Relationships Have Become Scary!

A Short Poem

Celestial Morning
Open Microphone
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2024


Photo by Chris F: on

Relationships are now scary!.

One moment, it’s “I love you,” and the next, it’s “I’m not sure anymore.”

One moment, it’s “You make me happy,” and the next, it’s “I haven’t felt happy in a while.”

One moment, it’s “I can’t wait to see you,” and then it’s “I need space.”

People are scared of relationships now because things change so quickly, and they don’t seem to last like they used to.

So many are quick to give up at the first sign of trouble instead of working through challenges together.

But then comes the biggest question, where’s the strength to ride the storms together?

The patience to heal your broken heart and the peace to transform your soul?

For I beg your pardon to ask because love's true beauty lies not in ease,
But in the journey, no matter how rough, through life's unease.

But that's love and it's complexities,
Let's set aside our worries for now, you and me.

The weekend's here, a time to reflect, relax, and restrategize
May your days be filled with love and peace of mind.

Take a deep breath, let go of fear, and welcome the beauty that's always near.

My name is Celestial Morning and I’m wishing you a weekend filled with delight, and may love and joy shine with all their might!

R C Hammond 😎 FHB, BTDT Ral Joseph Citizen Reader Velvetstar64 Annelise Lords Michael John Scott Nancy Santos Lu Skerdoo Lu Skerdoo Titus Maxus Stephen Dalton William P. Gerace DJ Hopkins 📘Zahier Adams



Open Microphone
Open Microphone

Published in Open Microphone

This is a place where we leave the mic open. It’s a safe space to say what’s on your mind.

Celestial Morning
Celestial Morning

Written by Celestial Morning

Science & Life, Finnace &Tech, Storytelling & Self-development, Women & Equality, Writing & Creativity.

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