
What does happiness mean to you?

Is it as simple as letting go of resentment, envy and hate?

Open Microphone
Published in
7 min readApr 18, 2024


Image by Zoltan from Pixabay

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My Medium friend James Bellerjeau and I have been wrestling (over the course of a few articles ) — with potential solutions for climate change and the role of the wealthy. You can find our conversations here.

What’s clear to me is that we’re coming at this from two different directions. James in his wisdom suggests we ought to seek help from the wealthy. With my colonized mind, I cannot believe they would help.

James believes we are on the cusp of even greater technological and societal advances. That human ingenuity transcends all and we have to let go of resentment, envy and hate for happiness to find us.

I think his perception of the world is blinkered, not fully appreciating the cost of American/western happiness.

I’d like to elaborate on this just so that my friend understands the other side of the argument.

Lessons from Colonialism

It begins at the tail end of slavery in the Spanish colony established on the Caribbean island of Trinidad.



Open Microphone

Just the guy next door, glad to meet you. Pull up a chair let's stir the pot together. Reach me at: lacks@mail.com.