The Dynamics of Power: Understanding Divine Power and Willpower

Unveiling the Influence of Divine Guidance and Human Determination

Vipul Thukral
Open mindedness


Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

There are actually two powers ruling this world: Divine power and willpower.

Divine power is the force behind events in our lives governed by a Higher Power, and predetermined circumstances that we are destined to experience. Approximately 99% of our lives unfold according to this predetermined plan, but if Ninety-nine percent of things are predetermined, do we really know what comprises that remaining 1%?

That’s willpower — the determination to persist until we attain our goals. God intentionally entrusts this 1% to us.

But what exactly is willpower and why is it important? Does it truly work?

And why do we place such significant emphasis on willpower?

How does it work?

Willpower is remarkably potent; it has the capability to alter even the divine plan. God, in His kindness, observes genuine efforts with good intentions and is willing to adjust His plan based on the hard work and dedication of individuals.

Those who recognise it and utilise their willpower to pursue their aspirations prompt God to adjust his plan accordingly. However, most of people fail to realise their willpower potential and do not exert additional effort. Consequently, they receive what has already been predetermined for them. The choice lies in which category we wish to belong to.

The remaining 1% represents what we call willpower, which essentially means striving for what we desire and persisting until we achieve it. It is about maintaining hope, perseverance, and the ability to alter circumstances.

There’s a well-known saying that “God helps those who help themselves.” Sadly, very few of the world’s population truly comprehends and acts upon it.

The disparity between achievers and followers lies in willpower. Achievers persistently strive until they attain what they deserve, and God alters his plan in response to their diligence and effort.



Vipul Thukral
Open mindedness

30-year-old product manager on a journey of self-improvement, exploring life, fitness, and spirituality. 📚🏋️‍♂️🧘‍♂️