4 Ways Aesthetic Realism Might Apply To Your Life

Aaron Crow
Open Philosophy
Published in
5 min readDec 23, 2020


Photo by Pablo Fierro on Unsplash

If you’ve ever been somewhere similar to Yosemite Valley in California, you understand how easy it is to have your breath taken away by the sheer beauty of mother nature.

Personally, I live for the moments where I can bask in the glory of how something created so randomly can have the amount of elegance that it does.

When Eli Siegel founded Aesthetic Realism, he was heavily opposed to ideas like prejudice, racism, and eugenics. His ideas were largely based in the world of art, beauty, equality, and truth. He wanted people to see the world for what it was, and believed that beauty could only be present where there were opposites.

After reading about this philosophy, I can confidently say that Aesthetic Realism definitely has its merits, and that people can glean some unique views from Siegel, especially during the societal turmoil we are currently going through.

Without anymore delay, here are the four ways I think Aesthetic Realism principles may apply to your life.

1. Assigning Meaning To Reality

Like most people, you presumably view the world through your own eyes, and with them a unique set of ideas. You likely have assigned your own meaning to things that otherwise wouldn’t have any, without even seeking to…



Aaron Crow
Open Philosophy

Aspiring writer and full time student. I enjoy writing about my perspective on life, learning, books, philosophy, and work.