
A Better Way to Search for Product Manager Opportunities

Nick Ivanecky
ProductHired Blog
5 min readNov 21, 2016


This is just the beginning.

The Story

I’m very excited to share with all of you the new product I’ve been building for the last couple of months. I’ve been spending my evenings and weekends really honing in on what is truly difficult about finding product manager roles in the industry. This is my story and why I decided to build ProductHired.

So it started back in September when I was chatting with a Senior PM at LinkedIn. The PM was very inclined about hearing my WeBeam story (a previous startup I was part of) since it was based on professional networking at events. He wanted to gauge my skillset because LinkedIn was looking for PMs at the time. Now after about 40mins of what seemed to be like an interview, he finally stopped and asked why I would want to work at LinkedIn. I told him a great answer, but he didn’t seem convinced.

He then told me something interesting. He said “There’s no need for you to start working for someone you clearly know how to launch products like Techustler and make decent income. You should look into the 4 hour work week and possibly start something up”. He was right. I do enjoy building products, but I wasn’t sure what to build at the time. Keep in mind I was walking along the beach in the Sunset District, San Fran. Maybe that’s why.

Then it hit me. I already helped lots of PMs on github with my repo full of advice and resources. Why not help product managers find their next opportunity. This would not only be beneficial to me when I needed to find my next opportunity, but countless other PMs in the market looking for their next product to build. It sounded like a good product to build for such a small niche. So after 2 months of sweat and late nights at Blue Bottle, I finally released the first version. The reviews and early engagement have been fantastic. I think it’s only going to get better as more PMs and recruiters use the product.

Enter ProductHired

In essence a place for Product Managers to connect with the right job opportunity :). I know that finding a Product Manager role in today’s economy is tough. So…I did what product people love to do and built a solution for my own problem :).

This is just the beginning with ProductHired with our main vision: To simplify your job hunt so you can focus on shipping great products that impact the world.

How to Use ProductHired as a Candidate

Search for PM Roles in “Find a Job”

When you select “Find a Job”, you’ll have the option to filter locations and keywords. When you are ready, just hit Search and a list of PM opportunities will follow. It’s pretty simple.

Search for PM Roles on the Map

Not only do you have the option to filter your PM findings, but you can see all the available offerings on the map.

Apply Directly on the Job Post

When you see an opportunity you like, you can apply to the opportunity. We make it easy to create a little message for the recruiter. You can impress here. :)

Ask to be Featured in the PM Spotlight

If you have a strong passion in building great products, you can be featured as a candidate on the front page of our site. Tell us why companies would want to chat with you with a tweet @producthired or an email at info@producthired.

How to Use ProductHired as a Recruiter

Post your Opportunity in our Search

As a recruiter you’ll have the option to share your posting. You’ll be able to see the posting in our list but also on the map.

Create beautifully designed postings

When you post with, you’ll get to show your company off in a beautiful way. There are a lot of customizations like applying with Facebook or showing your company video to make the candidate interested in the role.

Ability to Feature your Post on the Front Page

The best source of traction happens on the front page. With featured postings, everyone who visits the ProductHired will see your opportunity.

Keep Track of all your candidates

When you post a new opportunity, the manage jobs dashboard keeps all your postings in one place. This makes it really easy to look over applications for that special PM.

30% OFF for First Time Recruiters joining ProductHired

I know you’ll like the product but being a first-time customer in a new product is always a challenge. Here’s a discount coupon on your first purchase with us. Enjoy :)

I hope PM candidates can find their next opportunity and recruiters can hire the best PMs. As I said earlier: this is just the beginning with ProductHired. There’s more in the pipeline so stay tuned and checkout ProductHired today.

Nicholas Ivanecky — Technical Product Manager, Creator of #OpenProductManagement, Teaching @Techustler courses, Shipped 4 iOS Apps and counting

