Causal Layered Analysis X Systems for Change

Scalable Analysis
Open Source Futures
4 min readApr 16, 2022


Earlier on, I had introduced Causal Layered Analysis — what it is, and begun to show how it might be used for change. I introduced two diagrams below as attempts at reformulating CLA for change.

In this post, I present how CLA might be integrated with a systems perspective and create a framework for change.

Causal Layered Analysis is an inquiry process that wants create spaces for deeper transformation. It does so through four levels of inquiry:

  • litany — the view of current reality
  • Causes — the causes of the current reality
  • Worldview — often the assumptions behind the causes
  • Myths and Metaphors — the unsaid, emotive deep stories that hold up reality in the minds of the participants, organisation and society.

The two diagrams illustrate two ways of preliminary thinking using CLA for thinking about transformative change.

The previous post highlight that using the myths/metaphor as a leverage of change might be simplistic; it might have to require actions on all the rest of the levels as well, as I will point out shortly. The current diagrams also seemed to suggest that levels “flow on” to the levels on top or below seamlessly; in reality we know that it is not the case and that efforts need to…



Scalable Analysis
Open Source Futures

Looking at ideas, systems, organizations and interactions.