Amsterdam Declaration as a foundation of OSSci

Alexy Khrabrov
Open-Source Science (OSSci)
2 min readApr 27, 2023

Since the first in person meeting of the future of software builders and funders, OSSci have been an integral part of the Amsterdam Declaration on Sustainable Research Software (ADORE).

We’ve added community and community managers there excplicitly, and will work on principles, recommendations and implementation guidelines for vibrant and nurturing community fostering innovation.

OSSci is deeply vested in ADORE and its adoption because ADORE expresses the OSSci goals very clearly and concisely, and it also does it on multiple levels ready to put into action with diverse audiences and goals.

The Principles let all the allies align on values. It is also a discovery mechanism — those who understand and value communities for science will resonate immediately. The recommendations will educate leaders and funders on the ways to act on the principles to make them come true. And the implementation guidelines provide the blueprint to doing it in your organization.

ADORE lets us to validate and explain the goals of OSSci, as pursued and shared by the leading government innovation agencies, international consortia, nonprofit foundations, research labs, and other signers. It also creates a high level community that educates funders around the world on accelerating science with OSS. Join the ADORE signers and let us work together on sustaining great research software.



Alexy Khrabrov
Open-Source Science (OSSci)

Open-Source Science Founder and Chair, NumFOCUS. Founder and organizer, Scale By the Bay and Bay Area AI. Dad of 4.