HuggingFace + OSSci

HuggingFace is now the de facto community hub for AI. It pioneered the model similar to, where scientists publish papers and compare notes without waiting for journals. In case of HF that happens on the Model Hub, where models are shared and used and compared.

HF has started a partnership with IBM around Watson X. It has also been a long-term community partner of Open-Source Science and its founding communities By the Bay. An important direction is BigScience, that is effectively a way to do OSSci. Here’s an overview of the community history of HuggingFace in the Bay Area.

As Clem says, AI Community == Open Source + Open Science,

== Open (Source + Science) == Open-Source Science!



Alexy Khrabrov
Open-Source Science (OSSci)

Open-Source Science Founder and Chair, NumFOCUS. Founder and organizer, Scale By the Bay and Bay Area AI. Dad of 4.