Three times in my life writing a letter changed everything

Letters That Changed My Life

Stephen Reza
Published in
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

It is said that letter writing is a dying art, but I disagree: it has merely evolved. I would argue that the typical person uses more written communication daily now than ever before. That said, the art of actually writing a letter out on a piece of paper by hand has definitely gone by the wayside. That makes me sad, in a sappy, sentimental, nostalgic kind of way, but why waste paper, really?

There will always be a place for writing that can be held in a tangible sense like documents and printed books, much to our forests' detriment. With the vast paradigm shift to the digital realm, I feel like letter writing's arcane art carries more significance than ever, primarily because of its rarity.

These are the three times in my life that writing a letter changed everything.

I wrote a letter to dissociate myself from a toxic doomsday cult masquerading as a religion. Which one is not important to the discussion, but suffice it to say that doing this signaled, to me at least, putting an end to a long and painful chapter of my life and allowing a new one to begin. I’ll never forget the morning that I woke up and just knew that it had to be done — despite fading away rapidly and effectively, it remained an open wound requiring…



Stephen Reza
Open Source X

A multifaceted author whose work explores the realms of weird, speculative fiction—blending cosmic horror, occult mystery, and sci-fi.