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Many countries employ cloud-seeding as weather experiments escalate globally

Faisal Khan
Open Source X
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021


Cloud seeding is by no means a nascent technology and experiments have been conducted using the tech since the 1940s. However, scientists were divided on its effectiveness until recently — research last year managed to pinpoint snowfall that “unambiguously” came from cloud seeding. Officials in various countries have now employed cloud seeding to manage droughts, lower temperatures in blistering heat conditions, and clear pollution. More on this later, but first a little background on how it works.

The weather modification technique involves aircraft or drones to add small particles of silver iodide, which have a structure similar to ice, to clouds. Water droplets cluster around the particles, modifying the structure of the clouds and increasing the chance of precipitation. Skeptics, however, point out it is no panacea, given it doesn’t solve the systemic causes behind the conditions it is trying to rectify. Also, they say only certain clouds in certain weather conditions can be seeded.



Faisal Khan
Open Source X

A devout futurist keeping a keen eye on the latest in Emerging Tech, Global Economy, Space, Science, Cryptocurrencies & more