On Productivity And Value

Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Open Talks
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2023

There is a thing that may have come from industrialism. That notion, that you do not have value in yourself. If you stay productive, you are valuable. And the opposite — if not in productive mode, you are useless.

Well, it’s time to change that opinion. You have a value in yourself. And it’s ok to be lazy, just lie around on the sofa, have a cozy time with your cat, and just simply do nothing! Meditation is also an action!

starryai — ‘a lazy day’ (art, hydra style)

The opposite is dangerous to your health. That empty slot in your calendar that signifies that you’re not in action. Well, let that empty slot be! And, just do what you feel. Write a poem. Dance. Read a book. Listen to some music. Breathe!

You are here to live, not to work. And if you work too much, your close and dear might wonder where you are and what you do. When you grow old, will you have that regret — “oh, I wish I had spent more time in the office” … ?

No, seize the moment, and just be.

You are enough just the way you are!

Let that be.



Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Open Talks

Aikido/Music/Yoga/Running. MultiCreator. DJ/Producer–Writing/Images–Ideas/Concepts/Events. #Music4Health Researcher. Institutional Entrepreneur. Having fun! <3