On the Writing of Books — Titles Outlined

Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Open Talks
Published in
7 min readAug 24, 2023

If you set out to write a book, I guess you are there to prepare for a life in solitude and loneliness. No problem with me, being an ‘ambivert’ person, meaning a person who has a pendulum in state of introvert and extrovert — leaning towards the introvert side!

Also, love sharing my ideas and their throughput in writing, I have set out for a future book publishing in some lines of my interests.

With that long-term ambition, #365books. Or “how to write 365 books before you die”, there is certainly a lot to be made, for sure!

In this article, I want to line out some of my core ideas on what to write about.

starryai — ‘seven books in flow’ (illustration)

The Flow Books (#TheFlowBooks)

This is a book series I actually finished the first draft of the first book, on my first Medium Account (Anders Abrahamsson — sliceonline), in Swedish, “Ett liv i flow — Hur överleva, leva och berika sig i flödessamhället?” — “A Life in Flow — How to Survive, Live and Prosper in The Flow Society?”.

Coming volumes in this book series will dive deeper in certain aspects of living in flow;

  • #1 — To Live in Flow (the first book, reworked a bit and translated into English)
  • #2 — To Be in Flow (the second book, diving deeper into the existential aspects of a life in flow)
  • #3 — To Move in Flow (on the importance of movement — both in mental and physical state of being)
  • #4 — To Do in Flow (when we move from being to doing — and this will also include doing things together … the subtle art of organizing)
  • #5 — To Flow (a book collecting stories and experiences of flow-making, to go from idea to practice as an illustrative volume)
  • #6 — To Love [in] Flow (a book on the core force of keeping your line straight in whatever you do — the Force of Love, and how to live a loveful life in your being and doing)
  • #7 — To Rest in Flow (on the importance of rest and recovery in between the races of doing)
  • Flow On (a short epilogue, on “what’s next?” — where to take your life in flow)

I hope to cover all aspects on how to live a rich life, with deeper meaning in all things you be and do!

These books will come in both Swedish and English, where cultural adaptations will be made, going beyond just a straight translation. The one being more localized in its cultural references, where the international will strive to be as general and global as possible.

Beyond this core of book series, I intend to write five popular stand-alone books;

“Music For Health — Why What, How? Key Insights Generated From A Knowledge Area Experiencing Exponential Development”

This book intends to summarize the core insights reached so far in the vast amount of research done on topic through the decades. With the entrance of the fMRi technology, we have reached a deeper understanding of how music affects you, either in the listening or the composing mode.

starryai — ‘music for health’ (illustration)

The book also has a purpose to take it into practical every-day advice — to live a healthy life with music as companion, and how to enrich your life with music all aspects.

“Notes from an Instipreneur — on Creating [of] and Living [in] Institutions”

A book collecting personal notes in relation to institutional entrepreneurship (my core research field), with some loose-knit lineup of short stories connected to living, creating, and developing institutions.

starryai — ‘institution’ (illustration)

The tension between the concepts of ‘institution’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ is interesting. Institution is related to something static, not easily changed, whereas Entrepreneurship as a concept associates to something dynamic and changing. Still, the interplay in between these two modes of being and existing is there to be deepened in understanding. This is my attempt to contribute to the popular(ization) of this field of knowledge, and to keep it personal in tone, easily accessed.

“Rule by Natural Law — Turning Our Collaborative Framework Upside Down and Inside Out To Meet Holistic Needs for Global Sustainable Prosperity”

With an Earth and Humanity much in turmoil, and with the rise of extremism, populism and short-sightedness lately, I feel an urge to contribute to the ongoing conversation on how to organize our society in a sustainable manner.

starryai — ‘earth love’ (illustration)

One core idea is to make other rights than human in play — giving nature rights in same level as Homo Sapiens Sapiens. And move from Anthropocene, back to Holocene — with the care of The Whole, in order to secure the conditions for life for all on the planet.

“The #LoveCash Manifesto — Building An Economy ‘as if’ People and Planet Truly Matters”

Taking departure from one of the core ideas of reforms to be made — Universal Basic Income — this volume will focus on the more existential dimensions of creating UBI. While the discourse surrounding this topic is very much oriented towards the technicalities, the conversation on how the existential conditions and the emancipation of the creating human spirit is a bit overlooked. I intend to balance up this conversation with these perspectives, in complementary purposes to widen the dialogue with something besides the spreadsheet technicalities.


In order to make something to feed your imagination, I also intend to mix fact with fiction, in the “Future History” format, sharing some short imaginative stories of a future-yet-possible-to-create. In praise of the Playful Human — ‘Homo Ludens’!

“For the ❤ of Norrköping — Stories From a Post-Industrial Paradise of Creating”

With an ode to my hometown, I will collect some random and snap-shot stories of a Proud City with a lot of Love Vibes, ongoing. Spent the last 15+ years here, I collected a lot of impressions over the year, sharing stories of culture and nature.

Photographer: Fredrik Schlyter. Fair use.

As a contributor to the cultural life, runner in its urban and close-by nature settings, practicing Aikido in its traditional dojo and club, attending numerous events on tech and society through the years, and love for its tension in between the traditional and future-oriented, I hope to give you a Love Declaration based on its recent state and development!

… and what might come out of the Open Talks platform?

These are the one’s I have in mind — right now!

But with my recently developed Open Talks publications, singular articles can prove to be seedings to future publications as well! Who knows? Everything starts with an idea!

Coming — “The Other”!

I will also establish a platform where I collect the more crazy side of me, with that fearless satire and hardcore humour taken to the edges, and here is also a book idea embedded, where I have a take on the Use and Misuse of our language, going to the roots of our way to express ourselves in language.

And the formal research!

There is also the main research ongoing, the academic efforts, to turn my future research into a popular format. The research ideas are summarized on my Academia page.

— Working Title:

“The Birth, Emergence and Manifestation of the Cultural Brain Initiative — A Tale of Institutional Entrepreneurship In The Quest of Unravelling the Music For Health Mystery”

A Final Note

In order to reach the ambitions, there is only one thing to do. And that is — to DO! And create routines. The Disciplined Author. I have no illusions or a romanticized picture of the “author” as such. It is just hard work and some sweat to be produced along the lines, and with that, result coming. At least, I had proven for myself to “get s*te together” before! With articles, a full draft of a book and a Master Thesis! So, possible, it is!

But, in this ambition set — there is a Main Character to lift in. And that is you! Without a Reading Audience, engaging in my produce, this work would be boring. SO:

Now — what do you think, and have interest in?

I would love to get your feedback on these book ideas I have outlined in this article. What triggers your interest the most? That could govern which one I pick up first! Share your input!


And as always — if you want to have a secure way to follow the development, sign up for my Substack Monthly Newsletter, besides following my writings here on Medium!



Anders Abrahamsson | RE:LOVE THE WORLD
Open Talks

Aikido/Music/Yoga/Running. MultiCreator. DJ/Producer–Writing/Images–Ideas/Concepts/Events. #Music4Health Researcher. Institutional Entrepreneur. Having fun! <3