
Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research
2 min readJun 10, 2017
Devices & Human | Image Source : Pixbay

Advancement in the technology itself doesn’t show any discrimination among all the other technologies that are in existence across the globe. In fact, they perform different tasks with varying capabilities. As Technology is a human invention, we might be the creators but they (technologies) are more productive than us.And the technologies and the devices that we invent, that we program has much longer life expectancy than us.This indicates that we are just a mere human beings with all the medical remedies and with lesser capabilities among all the other million billion bio-micro organisms.
But still,

“ We fight not only for livelihood
but also for the power of supremacy.

We fight not only for eliminating the poverty
but also for taking from the poor.

We fight not only for conservation of energy and natural resources
but also for living luxuriously.

We fight not only for self-respect
but also to hinder others freedom

We fight not only for discriminating
but also for being more religious.”

These make us as big as tiny before the giant technologies. So, be more cautious that we are just human beings.

-Praveen Gorla
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Originally published at on June 10, 2017.



Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons