Harvard study: 75 years of research study on what makes a good life?

Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research
2 min readNov 22, 2017

Can we just think about a question which is most important and which is actually we need to answer it?. What actually makes us being happier and healthier?. Is it being rich? or being passionate about our interest?

The frequent answers to this question are to well-settled or being rich for being living happily with no hurdles. Well, If we need to answer this question in a generic way we should go back to the 75 years of long historic study that is still under observation by Harvard scholars. It is a study of a certain group of people from when they are at teenage, from the past 75 years on their behaviour aspects towards the life for being happier.

From this study, it is observed that good and healthier relationships make us feel better increasing our joy of happiness. Socializing ourselves will make us be happier and healthier with longer life. Being lonely, most importantly feeling of being single when you are surrounded by your neighbour(s) or friends, kills your life span with an increase of prone to health issues.

Your relationship describes how happy you are, it’s not about how many relations that you maintain but, it’s about how close you are related to that person. Most importantly, being more happier in your 50’s in spite of having social quarrelling between you and your partner will enhance your chance of living a healthier life in your 80’s.

Interested!! You can use, edit and share. It is, and always be under CC Licenses

Originally published at praveengorla.in on November 22, 2017.


1. Ted



Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons