How can Next Generation smart phone(s) can track your moments without connecting to Wi-Fi, Cellular data or even without turning on your device GPS ?

Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research
2 min readJul 24, 2018

Next generation smartphone(s) can (absolutely with cm level of accuracy) track your moments without connecting to Wi-Fi, Cellular data or even without turning on your device GPS.

Currently, Wi-Fi protocols (Technically IEEE 802.11a/b/c/g/n standards) are based on to increase the data rates, Signal strength and Authentication security in routers and smart devices. So when your device is connected to any of the nearest Wi-Fi networks, there is a possibility of finding your location based on your local Internet Service Provider(ISP) IP address(It might not be absolutely true position) or offline techniques(based on your device signal strength received by a router). In general, we may term it as Indoor Localization, which is only possible when connected to at least one network(Wireless Router).

Wireless Router/AP

But, next-generation devices (Routers and smart devices) will (at finalization stage) be equipped with new Protocols(Technically IEEE 802.11/mc standards). If this framework is implemented, a single router nearest to your device and without connecting to your device can determine your distance. If there are multiple routers near to your device, and their combination without having a connection to your device can perfectly determine your position (including coordinate with 1cm -5cm level accuracy), velocity and the environment you are in.

Geo Tagging

As there is no need of hardware implementation but only with software, existing devices with just an OS upgrade can be turned to implement this.

There is now way for users to get rid of it and this possess greatest threat to privacy . Mobile app(s) can take a chance to tweak into our privacy.

Note: As this article is written in early days of 2018, there is a great probability of Technological adaptations as described in the article. So, this article becomes as a void reference for future actions. But remains as a reference for present. — Praveen Gorla

References: Scholarly & Technical

1. E. Au, “The Latest Progress on IEEE 802.11mc and IEEE 802.11ai [Standards],” in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 19–21, Sept. 2016.doi: 10.1109/MVT.2016.2586398
URL: .

2. Wi-Fi RTT (IEEE 802.11mc), URL:



Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons