Loss of creativity, and capability to manage AI

Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research
2 min readNov 4, 2017

Artificial Intelligence and its automation is the new era of data science and data analytics. As of now it is not completely deployed to caters the human needs for making things simpler. In fact, as it is in deployment state we lose more jobs in many sectors including manufacturing and IT but, later when it is completely deployed more and more numerous job opportunities arise for humankind which would take at least four to five years, till then we lose more. It’s fine and cool but what next?. When everything is automated we just need to maintain them. For example, a machine in a factory is automated to run on itself from taking an input to giving an output, this lessens the burden of the worker, in fact, he/she need to just look after the supply of quantitative power to make itself perform the task. Same here in case of automation with AI lead to the initial development of code by humans but, later it develops its own code which cannot be intercepted by the humans. It develops its own process for an output. We just need to glare at the machine for the output. This makes us bother about the output not to think much about the process. This leads to losing the capability and creativity to code the machine. When something goes wrong with the machine and we may not be capable to rectify as we lack the capability to intercept the process that it has chosen to perform that particular task.

Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence

In fact, it can be seen as a development that machines which are initially programmed by the mankind are making humans incapable of programming them again.

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Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons