Mozilla Open Leader 6 : Firefox Browser to Browser Radio Communication for Internet Access

Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research
5 min readSep 17, 2018
Some of Mozilla Open Leader 6 | Image Source: Mozilla Open Leaders

Project Source code and Timeline at Github

Why do you want to join the next Open Leaders cohort?

The future Internet is not only defined by its technical implementation but also with its reflecting policies and community development. Especially when it is fully automated, Technology and its policies have to be open while being in parallel innovation, which the increases Transparency of Internet. It not only provides a step for innovation but it also protects one’s own privacy and rights.

So, as an Open Leader, I would like to Learn, share and implement through community-driven projects.

Do you have a specific goal for learning or professional development in the Open Leaders program? If so, please tell us about it.

My goal is to develop and share my technical and advocacy skills with proper open policy implementation. This should not limit me to contribute to the single domain but to multiple domains which are only possible while being a team and in collaboration with other teams.

The following are the Implementations That I consider to learn and share while being as Open Leader.
1. Develop our Community driven Projects with technical implementation.
2. How to involve different communities as an Open Leader?
3. The considerable framing of Open policies for proper implementation of the science and technology project.

What challenges have you faced working open? Or, what has kept you from working open?

I have been a volunteer as an Open Knowledge(Hardware and Software ) resources person during my undergraduate. I tried to involve my class fellows and junior fellows, to some extent I was a success in guiding them in contributing to open resources(such as developing Open source projects and implementation, One such implementation is successful testing and implementation of Freedom box for rural implementation). All though we, the group of people had a successful track, we could not able to drive a number of creative people for contributing to open source, which we think it as major drawback within us, in demonstrating the virtues and fruits of Open implementations and Open policies for community-driven projects.

Firefox browser to browser radio communication | Image Source: Mozilla

Please tell us about your project or organization?

The Objectives and Implementations of This project includes:

Project Source code and Timeline at Github
1. Establishing the Radio communication between two or more systems by establishing communication between two or more open browsers within the Radio frequency range.
2. This is by integrating (Firefox) browser with GNU radio (software)-and Software Defined Radio(Hardware). Taking the advantage of developing and implementing Firefox addon(s).
3. Taking the advantage of complete Open policy implementation.

1. This helps in communicating with nearby systems within the radio frequency range.
2. Need no internet access(or WiFi network) for two or more system communication within the range.
3. Increases the anonymity and privacy of the user.
4. Avoiding the internal censorship while connecting to other systems for accessing the Internet.

What feature, release, or product can others work on during the program ?

Contributions from other collaborative individuals and Team members are accepted in each and every area of the project. However, it is great to get collaboration for the following.

1.Firefox integration with GNU radio.
2. Developing browser add-ons for the above implementation.
3. Proposing the Universal open policy recommendations for community involvement and implementation of this project.
4. Developing models for adapting this project without technical assistance for the common user or the community.

How is this work open? How does it benefit from being open?

We consider that our project is successful only when it is implemented and adapted within the community, which is only possible when there is a contribution from the community.

How is it open?

Firefox platform which is open(Policies and Technology) is integrated with GNU radio which is open (Policies and Technology) = Complete Open project(The final product is also open).

This project contains :
Open Community Policies + Community Collaboration = Community Implementation + Community Development.

Have you been mentored before? If so, how was the experience?

Yes, Under my professor for some GNU project implementation in my University. This enhanced my visibility for community development projects through knowledge sharing.

What do you look for in a mentor?

  1. How the project can be more penetrated for large-scale community adaption.
  2. Technical and science assistance.
  3. Although I am familiarized and implemented open policies, I would like to get assistance for more transparency in implementing open policies.

Anything else you’d like us to know?

As a core team member of GLUG in our university, I always and continues to have a great interest in community-driven projects. Experience form the following activities gained more visibility for framing Open policies and implementing the technology.

1. Motivated and mentored students for Firefox APP (2014–2015)development in the event of Daily evening Activity sessions after college working hours.
2. Open hardware prototyping Implementations.
3. Freedom box implementation and testing.
4. Open IoT project implementation for Community Agriculture.
5. Conducting Firefox Quantum Sprint in November 2107, at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
6. As Youth Fellow at APrIGF 2017 — Framed and Proposed policies for Universal Internet access and technological implementation while protecting Internet rights such as Net neutrality, Open access and Privacy.
7. Proposals for UNESCO Internet Universality (Submission #35)-

“Sometimes maybe as an individual or a team, we failed to implement something but as an individual, I always have a desire to do.”

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Praveen Gorla
Open Thinking and Open Research

Ph.D. Graduate, Network & Computational Researcher. Free Software as Commons