What is Open Transport creating and why you should get involved.

Tiago Pita
Open Transport
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2017

We are making mobility open and accessible to every organisation. A company using our API can access on-demand services such as taxi, trains, shuttles, bus, bicycles, rental vehicles and book those services on demand. We take care of all billing and ticketing. Currently we are using a centralised server but will be making the service available using decentralised technology .

Closed and exclusive mobility operators will stop being relevant as their service offers limited value to the passenger.

Why would someone need an app for a taxi service and another for a shuttle service? Why would someone need a taxi app that only works in some cities or an app that offers just some of the vehicles in that city?

Open Transport is the MaaS API.

We developed an API that can give any developer the access to standardised data. The same data set to book and pay for a train or a rental car. We are making every single mode of transport easy to integrate in existing apps and new MaaS solutions.

Join Open Transport and you will be part of the mobility revolution.

As a service provider you will be able to grow your demand exponentially because your services will be available to the whole world and the world innovators. You will have unlimited access to data that will allow you to grow and adapt in the modern mobility world.

As a MaaS developer or business you just need to worry about your passengers, we take care of everything else. Forget integrations that could take months to complete, billing nightmares and reliability of the integrations. We do it for you.

You can, as well partner with us to offer your existing solution as a service provider.

We are Open, we love mobility and want the future of it to be open. Let’s work on that future together.

