Industry Meets Makers

An ambitious pilot project

Nico Grienauer
Open Trigger


The focus of the Industry meets Makers project is to grow a network that creates new collaboration models between the established industry and the creative maker scene.

New ways of cooperation are tried out and the resulting innovation and business potential will be fruitful to the benefit of both sides.

With OpenTrigger we had the chance to be part of this advanced concept. We joined T-Mobile who developed a new IoT Developer KIT to allow the creation of creative IoT and Industry 4.0 applications.

Video in german *sorry*

Together with T-Mobile we worked on a solution to crosslink our OpenTrigger system with their IoT Developer KIT.

A ambitioned pilot project.

We made a proof of concept and built a prototype.

With the IoT Developkit we are able to use UMTS out of the box, instead using LAN/WLAN to submit Button presses. So our remote button got a lot more freedom.
Imagine a mobile SOS button that you can carry around in your jacket when going mountaineering.

The developer kit also allows you to get your current position (long/lat).
Imagine a mobile button mounted on your bicycle for reporting dangerous passages.

Even a temperature sensor, and GSM reception quality measurement is available.

With those sensors we could trigger some actions on the internet automatically… but this is another story :)

Meet us in the wild.

We have a presentation from our #IMM2016 Project at:

You can meet us in person there and get your hands on OpenTrigger.



Nico Grienauer
Open Trigger

Drupal Austria Association Board Member, CodeWeekEU Ambassador, Open Minds — “Austrian Open Source Award” Initiator and Founder of Acolono GmbH