Internet of Things CreateCamp Vienna 2017 — Follow Up

Nico Grienauer
Open Trigger
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2017

On the weekend of Feb 25 and 26 a CreateCamp focusing on IoT and Open Source took place at Raum D / Museumsquartier.

For the CreateCamp we got hardware from T-Mobile, and OpenTrigger Developer Sets from acolono GmbH

Some pictures taken during the camp

Find all pictures here:

People have been really creative!
Here’s a list of projects that have been worked on during the camp:

Alexander Sulz demonstrates his prototype.

Cats vs. Dogs

by Alexander Sulz

It’s like Quidditch but instead of throwing the ball through rings, you push the opponent’s buttons to score points.

The live score is displayed on a remote tablet. It also comes with some awesome sounds. *meow*


Oliver Köhler, Author
Barbara Köhler, Smiley-Sounds
Thomas Kräftner, Remote MP3 support

Push a button to play an audio sample.
Nodejs audio sampler, provides an api and slackbot integration.

morse with open Trigger and see the words you send

Morse Key

Lukas Bachler

OpenTrigger is used as a morse-key with a live conversion from morse code to e.g. German.


Christian Jeitler
Helmut Schmidt
Michael Lenzinger

beside the sketches we had a working prototype

Gastronomy-tool for order/payment.
A button is placed on each table, which the guest can use to signal the waiter.

Beside a working button version there was also an OpenTrigger Version.


Ramon Huidobro
Carina Pfann
Tatyana Sandanova
Pilar Huidobro

Ever get a message from a loved one and thought, ‘’”I wish I could reply, but I’m busy. I don’t want to just send them an impersonal canned message…”’’?

Ever wanted to quickly ‘’let someone know you’re thinking of them’’? That you’re okay and they have no cause to worry?

Want to send some cute puppy-seal-kitten-otter pictures to ‘’send someone some cheer’’?

With the web platform, authenticate your telegram account, configure a recipient and the kind of message — and you’re good to go! Just press, mash, hit, punch your OpenTrigger, and ‘’’express’’’ your ‘’’reflex’’’ at a ‘’’press’’’!


Bernhard Hackl
Nausikaa Matzenauer
Luis Rosenstrauch
Peter Teufelberger

Mark daily habits for your character in as completed, without having to log in first. Simple as that!


Oliver Köhler

Ask a question, push the button, get your answer :) integration for OpenTrigger

Bernhard Hackl
Peter Teufelberger

Use a hardware button along with OpenTrigger

Magento 2 Shop Button

Oliver Köhler
Christian Ziegler

A module to place an order in a Magento 2 shop via api.
Like amazon Dash, but self hosted, Open Source Software, Open Hardware and for Magento 2 :)

We are really proud of the teams who accomplished in two days a lot!

“Albert the Bulb” Award

3 teams got the Internet Of Things CreateCamp Award — “Albert the Bulb”

HabiTrigger — Bernhard Hackl, Nausikaa Matzenauer, Luis Rosenstrauch, Peter Teufelberger
ReflexpressRamon Huidobro, Pilar Huidobro, Tatyana Sandanova, Carina Pfann
Cats vs. Dogs — Alexander Sulz

It would be great to host another CreateCamp in the future.

Until then, mention acolono and iotccvie on twitter and Subscribe to our OpenTrigger Newsletter so you don’t miss any announcements :)

The team behind the IoT CreateCamp

The IoT CreateCamp was organized by acolono Gmbh.
Hardware was supported by acolono GmbH, T-Mobile and
Supported by Vienna Business Agency.
Hosted by Linuxwochen.



Nico Grienauer
Open Trigger

Drupal Austria Association Board Member, CodeWeekEU Ambassador, Open Minds — “Austrian Open Source Award” Initiator and Founder of Acolono GmbH