8 Things That Make A Great Running Partner

Vince Sesto
Open Water Magazine
4 min readJan 17, 2022
Image courtesy of ScottieTPhotography

If you’ve decided to get running and maybe your eyeing off a marathon or half marathon goal, one way to keep you motivated and help you with your running training and progression is to enlist a friend to run with. If you are both working towards the same goal, knowing there will be someone there to both train with you and potentially be there on race day for you is a big incentive to keep you moving.

You might not have thought about this previously but I’ve been thinking about the best qualities that a training partner can have and potentially bring to your run.

They Don’t Wear Headphones

It’s kinda pointless if your training partner is just there to run. Part of the enjoyment of running with a partner is the occasional chat and banter. Headphones are a great way to motivate yourself when your running on your own but should be left at home when running with a friend.

There Is Good Conversation

Especially on a long run, having some good conversation between runners can be the difference between a good run and a bad run. It can usually drift onto any tangent and definitely helps you have an enjoyable run.

They Also Know When To Keep The Peace

Conversation is good, but sometimes, you might need to be grinding out a tough hill climb or you might be running at tempo pace and need to concentrate on this important part of the run. Your run buddy will also know that its time to stay quiet and let you both focus on getting one foot in front of the other.

They Are Cool Running At Your Pace

It is pretty rare you’ll find someone who is comfortable running at exactly the same pace as you, but the perfect running partner will not mind running at your pace, especially when you are on your longer runs. If your running friend is a stronger runner, make sure you allow them to set a faster pace occasionally as this will be a good test and help you improve.

They Keep You Honest

This works both ways. When either of you are struggling to get out of bed for a run, knowing you need to meet someone at a specific time and place is a definite motivator. The last thing you want to be known for is standing up someone for a run. Your running partner will appreciate you for being there and will also be a motivating factor for them as well.

They Control Their Elbows

OK this might not be a deal breaker but if you are running side by side on a narrow path and you have someone that runs with their arms flying out everywhere, you might cop a few elbows as you’re both running. If this is the case, you might need to look to run on some wider running tracks.

They Also Like The Reward

One of the best ways to motivate yourself to get out for a big run is to reward yourself afterwards. This could usually be a coffee or breakfast and if you have a running partner that knows you and is likeminded enough, they will probably be there to join in with the reward.

They Won’t Judge You

No matter what happens on race day, good or bad, the perfect running partner will not judge you for anything that happens. Hopefully everything goes to plan and you are both out there on race day supporting each other. You have both been in this together and whatever the result, you’ll both know you did this together.

Check out my new book “Stop Overthinking And Start Running” for more information on how to embrace physical activity and change your life, one run at a time.

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Vince Sesto is a DevOps Engineer, Endurance Athlete, Coach and Author. One of his passion’s in life is endurance sports as both an athlete, coach and author. He is a certified running and triathlon coach with a goal to inspire people through his coaching and competition and to encourage people to live active and healthy lives.

His motto in life is, “I am trying to change the world, one run at a time”.



Vince Sesto
Open Water Magazine

Vincent Sesto is a DevOps Engineer, Endurance Athlete, Coach and Author. One of his passion’s in life is endurance sports as both an athlete, coach and author.