How Did You Learn How To Run Faster?

Two Big Things You Might Have Wrong

Vince Sesto
Open Water Magazine
3 min readFeb 17, 2022


I was drawn to this question on a Facebook group that was posted a couple of weeks ago and extended an offer to help out this runner with her pace, but the more I look at it, I think there might be more to this question than meets the eye.

How did you learn how to run faster?? I swear no matter what I try I can’t get faster than 11 min/mile. I’m sooooooo slow and it’s so discouraging. I’ve You Tubed, gone on various Instagram to follow accounts like “learn2run” and “run4prs”, learn what I can on proper form, breathing, nutrition and fueling for a run, etc. Should I try a running coach?? Not trying to compete in anything just want to reach a personal goal of running faster for any runs 10+ miles.

I’ve been thinking about this question long and hard as I think there is a lot more to it than providing the usual suggestion to improve your endurance and running economy. I think as long as you are able bodied and relatively young, a runner should be able to see some improvement in their running. That is as long as there are two things they need to have in place before they start looking to improve.

Are You Training Consistently?

I know this question is a little patronising, but some people don’t understand that running three times this week, and then not running at all for the next two weeks is not training consistently. Before you start looking at your training or run technique or any other aspect of your running, have you been running at least 3 times a week, for the past 4 to 6 months. Making sure you at least have this consistency behind can go a long way in allowing you to start to improve.

Do You Believe You Can Run Faster?

We are actually getting into psychology here and I just want to start by saying, I am not a Sports Psychologist, or any type of Psychologist for the matter. But, having said that, there is no way you will be able to run faster, if you don’t believe you can run faster. This could be a long held cultural belief, or something totally embedded in your subconscious. I could be the reason though, you are stopping yourself putting in more effort in your training, stopping yourself from getting breathless, or even stopping a neuromuscular connection between your brain and body. You may need the help of a coach to try and workout what specifically might be stopping you.

The runner didn’t reach out to me and take up the offer to provide further insights, but I think this was more due to the fact that my offer may have been missed in the hundreds of others listed in this question. If I hear more, I will definitely share it.

Check out my new book “Stop Overthinking And Start Running” for more information on how to embrace physical activity and change your life, one run at a time.

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Vince Sesto is a DevOps Engineer, Endurance Athlete, Coach and Author. One of his passion’s in life is endurance sports as both an athlete, coach and author. He is a certified running and triathlon coach with a goal to inspire people through his coaching and competition and to encourage people to live active and healthy lives.

His motto in life is, “I am trying to change the world, one run at a time”.



Vince Sesto
Open Water Magazine

Vincent Sesto is a DevOps Engineer, Endurance Athlete, Coach and Author. One of his passion’s in life is endurance sports as both an athlete, coach and author.