Family Matters: Exploring The Relationship Between Web2 and Web3

Open Web Sandbox Party Recap

OWS Team
Open Web Sandbox NEAR


On the third of December the Sandboxers and NEARians reunited for yet another edition of the Open Web Sandbox party. During this hour and a half long event, we discussed how to best combine Web2 tools with Web3 concepts to create innovative applications and pave the way for a better future. Here we will provide a short recap of the presentations held by our guest speakers.

Chronear: Business On NEAR

The first presentation was held by Chronear, the founder of the NEAR Intelligence Agency (NIA), and one of the members of the community. One of the latest projects that he has been working on is Business on NEAR (BoN), a guild dedicated to kickstart business on NEAR. BoN’s objective is to make it easy to learn about funding opportunities available at NEAR, to easily introduce outside projects to the NEAR ecosystem, and to incentivise referrals.

Jordan: Astro DAO

Jordan is the leader (aka DAOist) of Astro DAO, a DAO tooling on NEAR, that makes all the powerful DAO tooling on NEAR easy to use for everyday users. Astro DAO is a project that was incubated by NEAR lab, a group inside the NEAR foundation that takes internal tooling and also helps external projects turn into companies and spin out. During his presentation, Jordan talked about how Astro DAO make the creation and use of DAOs extra easy thus fostering further adoption by the community.

“DAOs help eliminate the difference between consumers and creators, it empowers people, allows for collective ownership, and distributed governance. Distributed governance is a powerful tool to overcome today’s challenges”


Jordan concluded his presentation by touching upon his ideas about the future of on-chain governance and the integration between the Web3 space and the outside world still dominated by traditional rules.

Alejandro VB: Silicon Craftsmen Guild

The third presentation was held by Alejandro VB from the Silicon Craftsmen Guild, a community-led working group whose focus is to develop and advance Web3 Product Design and User Experience (UX) standards. During his presentation, Alejandro talked about the importance of UX in determining a product’s adoption as well as the most common misconceptions associated with Web3 UXs. According to Alejandro, UXs are key to making the transition between Web2 and Web3 happening.

“Web3 needs to provide the same seamless experience of Web2 but that does not mean that it needs to provide exactly the same experience. There are some specific challenges to Web3 that require different elaborations and different frameworks”


The presentation ended on a reflective note on the future of Web3’s UXs. What are the frameworks that we want to bring from Web2 and what are the things that should be abandoned for good?

Valentina: Open Web Sandbox Website Launch

The last presentation was carried out by Valentina, one of OWS’ web designers, who announced the launch of the new OWS’ website. During her presentation, Valentina did not only showcase the OWS’ website sections and designs but also talked about the process and challenges behind building it.

The event ended with a recap of the guest’s presentations which, throughout the party, arose questions and discussions among the participants. Our guests helped us shed more light on the relationship between Web2 and Web3. The most valuable insight being that Web2 is not in opposition to Web3, however, its tools cannot always be easily brought into a new space. A lot of work and reflection still needs to happen before we find the right balance between these two complementary worlds and bring to fruition the best Web3 products.

All the participants at the OWS party walked away with an exclusive NFT in their pocket made by one of the creators of Bob Boom. The beautiful NFT airdropped to the participants’ Mintbase store works as a proof of participation as well as a nice souvenir from this amazing party edition.

Stay updated for future events by following us on Twitter and don’t hesitate to ask questions on our Discord. If you miss any of our events, watch them anytime on our YouTube channel.

Written by one of our writers: La Devochka.



OWS Team
Open Web Sandbox NEAR

The Open Web Sandbox Team aims to keep the NEAR ecosystem up to date with creative and informative content.