Weeknotes week 1

Sarah MTM
Open Working & Reuse
Jun 29, 2023
Group of 5 women and a dog on a street

Good things this week: co working day. Always nice to connect and have social time together as well as brains storming when we’re all together (excellent coffee and bagels helped). Great ideas and excitement for future plans.

Bad things: Last minute scrabble for a MM story, having a pairing that are happy to chat, have photos available and then time to write that up as a blog ready for the newsletter deadline. Although I’m well organised for this newsletter — this makes me feel I’m not.

Ugly: Stress levels, not only added by this job but balancing my other roles. Couple of calendar mishaps which, because they’re unusual make me feel my days are a bit out of control. This starts a bit of a freeze where starting something feels tricky!

Open working as a concept — feeling slightly apprehensive!

