WeekNotes Week ? : What Have I Gained from the Discovery Fund So Far? — Mine Mania

Rachel Conlisk
Open Working & Reuse
4 min readDec 1, 2023

The Mind Expanding World of the Discovery Fund — What I Have Gained from the Community Tech Project So Far

What have I gained? Personally, a sense of purpose, drive, vision and clarity of what the project could accomplish in the short, medium and long term.

How it started What has actually being going on? Here we go… How it started

When I started the discovery fund, I wanted to build a community Minecraft server from scratch on a machine in my home to avoid eye watering monthly charges (electricity bill has entered the chat)

I was optimistic, excited, and hopelessly naive. I thought we would set up a Minecraft server and then have loads of kids playing together safely and that would be that forever. I thought it would be easy! Right…….!

How it’s going

I am EXHAUSTED. My brain hurts. I have learned so much and realised I don’t know anything and have SO MUCH MORE to learn.

I’m scared that I can’t support the kids who are so invested and the parents who are tired too and want to the best for their kids. I feel like I’m going round in circles mapping and configuring, installing different bits of adaptive tech and nothing works! Until it does. Its so complicated.

But! I’m happy that I’m trying, and the kind words and emails I have had from parents and organisations who are invested and tell me how much this is needed — and that I’m doing a great job — gives me the energy and resilience to continue. Their support for me and the project reminds me how worthwhile it all is and that I am the right person to do this, even when imposter syndrome rears its head again!

What’s Going On Then?

When I started the discovery fund, I wanted to build a community minecaft server from scratch on a machine in my home to avoid eye watering monthly charges (electricity bill has entered the chat)

The extensive weekly research conversations and email exchanges with parents, gaming companies, other Minecraft server owners, and SEND youth groups who have grabbed hold of this idea with both hands and gone “Yes!..AND…” has blown my mind and taken over my life

I’ve gained a network of invested stakeholders and end users who are fully involved and a purpose in my life that has taken my life over completely for the duration of this project.

The ‘need’ of this project is more than just a Minecraft server.

I spend a hours a week on pastoral care issues — I need a Mentor on staff, there is a need for qualified staff to support and a need that parents and players have voiced for this.

There are children who can’t use a keyboard/have mobility needs who would love to play at the youth groups I am working with. This lead me down the wormhole of adaptive tech, and invested in budget eye tracking software, the Tobii 5, with open source software called EyeMine from Special Effect Charity. Along with trackball mice, adaptive buttons and switches, to allow every body to play in the worlds we are creating, and in the worlds we already using now.

Youth groups I am talking to have asked me to go in and get this up for them in their computer room and let them know what is compatible for their needs, as they don’t have anyone who knows about this stuff. It is a pleasure to do this, I have spent painful hours figuring it all out and will be happy to make it easier for other people!

So what does it all mean for the project?

It is a project that is still about creating an inclusive minecraft server, but I have learned this involves:

  • Being a safe space for children and young people access mental health support
  • A resource to support users, parents and group leaders access the technology needed to create and inclusive environment.

Would love to hear thoughts, comments, experiences and talk to people about this if you’re interested! Do get in touch or leave a message.

Originally published at https://www.minemania.co on December 1, 2023.



Rachel Conlisk
Open Working & Reuse

Founder of Creative Active Lives CIC & MineMania Community Minecraft Server