What do I need to know?

Open Working & Reuse
2 min readFeb 23, 2024

…and why?

In the past, I worked hard and kept my focus on the bigger picture. Events and people would knock me off course and I would return to the course with varied degrees of vigour and reinforced focus.

It would take me days and sometimes months to recover, to shrug my shoulders and forge on.

With my open working practice, I’m enjoying the process of reflection, and the things I did in my head I’m sharing with the world. I believe in purpose and serendipity working together to bring what you need when you need it.

Photo by Transly Translation Agency on Unsplash

Keeping my eyes on the mission and my hands on the work

What I would like to know every week is

  1. Am I making progress? I’d have to define what progress looks like and means to all stakeholders and then how I’d track it. I would want to see continual improvement and progress.
  2. If it isn’t working then what can I change about it? Does it need changing or perhaps setting it aside? The iterative approach is such a beautiful concept. It makes so much sense. I’m not sure why more organisations and people don’t adopt it. Each iteration is progress and a cause for celebration.
  3. What have I learnt (and what would I never do again!). The idea of learning something every week might be a ridiculous expectation, but even if a micro-moment creates the opportunity to learn then even that learning will become iterative. The subtle growth will be amazing. Like watching a child grow you don’t really see the little growth happening but it is. I’m excited about this possibility.
  4. Keeping my eye on the purpose. Sometimes we get so stuck in the doing we lose sight of the why. why are we doing this in the first place? So I will check in every week to see if every action I’ve taken contributes to my overall purpose. I will hold myself to account. Also, this helps with self-care as it will help conserve my energy (yes, I’m at that age when I have to think of how I use my energy!)
  5. I want to also reflect on the funny moments, the ones that brought me joy and laughter. There’s always something — I’ve either observed or caused!

So there you have it — progress, purpose, learning, and fun. What more can I ask for?

Do you want to know more, I’d love to have a chat with you.

Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

