OpenBazaar Developer Call — August 8, 2019

OB1 — Trade Free
2 min readAug 13, 2019

This is a video recording of the OpenBazaar Developer call on August 8, 2019.

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Chat log:

[09:59] Sam — OB1: We’ll be starting a few minutes later than usual today to help people find the correct link to join (oops!).

[10:02] CryptoShoppe: switched web browsers so my mic works now.

[10:14] rod: Will/can there ever be a public list of IPNS key/values from OB1?

[10:15] Impartial Moderation: I recently updated to 2.3.4. Wondered why I wasn’t continuing to get that flood of new users :-)

[10:15] 🌪 mg (ob1): You’re welcome. ;)

[10:15] 🌪 mg (ob1): You’re welcome?

[10:15] Impartial Moderation: Yes!

[10:15] 🌪 mg (ob1): !

[10:16] 🌪 mg (ob1): Rod, I think that’s very doable. I’ll share the suggestion.

[10:17] rod: Something like all IPNS keys + their records. I am going to do a full rewrite of RawFlood and it would be amazing to be able to not have to individually resolve every IPNS record (or at least most of them)

[10:17] rod: Sweet, thanks Mike

[10:22] 🌪 mg (ob1): It would be nice to see the IPNS ingestion work become part of the formal search spec, so that the search provider that has been opted-into will begin to receive that node’s IPNS updates as part of the publish… it doesn’t quite handle the part of the network who hasn’t opted-into the provider.

[10:23] Impartial Moderation: OB web implementation… will it work like a normal node? Buyers only?

[10:24] rod: @mg If there is a formal spec that’s eventually written up, I would be happy to integrate it

[10:25] Impartial Moderation: Thanks all :-)

[10:25] 🌪 mg (ob1): Unsure if this will be part of the existing search provider spec or a separate one. Please follow up later. :)

[10:25] rod: Will do

[10:37] Leonardo José: Ty

[10:37] rod: Thanks Sam

[10:37] Impartial Moderation: Have a nice day all :-)

[10:37] Sam — OB1: Thank you! Bye!

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Originally published at on August 13, 2019.



OB1 — Trade Free

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