Breaking Bread ft. Mari Fletcher, Account Executive at Restaurant365

OpenCity Marketing
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2019
Mari Fletcher, Restaurant365

OpenCity’s CEO, Nick Belsito “Breaks Bread” with Mari Fletcher, account executive at Restaurant365, as they discuss the importance, benefits, and future of back-office technology. Restaurant365 is a cloud-based restaurant platform designed for combining key restaurant operational functions. Today, more than 7,000 restaurants rely on Restaurant365 to help them run their business.

Restaurant365’s seamless method of “menu engineering” is closely connected to POS, payroll, and various restaurant vendors. If the restaurant sets its goal profit margin using R365, the system advises the manager on how to price each item. When prices of certain ingredients fluctuate, the system suggests how to appropriately adjust them.

Restaurant365 also enables restaurant managers to get their time back, save energy, and even make more money. In the past, accounting teams spend a lot of time in manual data entry. Today, R365’s platform is fully integrated, turning the accounting team from a transcription center to a revenue-generator. Mari stated, “the accounting team now plays the same role as the operations team.” In the past, it was difficult to change menu prices on the fly. Now it’s incredibly simple. R365 also helps restaurants hold their vendors accountable. Mari mentioned that one client ended up getting tens of thousands of dollars back because of R365’s ability to produce accurate and timely data.

When asked about the future of the back-office technology, Mari explained “that everyone should play on the same team in the back-office, accounting and the operational teams could not be separated anymore”. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Restaurant365, and neither can their clients!

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About Restaurant365
Restaurant365 is one of the smartest restaurant management platforms, providing restaurants with better control over food and labor costs, simplifying and managing multiple locations, and automating the accounting and reporting process. With a strong connection to POS, banking, payroll, and vendors, Restaurant365 offers several unique services, such as menu engineering, recipe costing, scheduling, and manage inventory.

Nick Belsito, CEO of OpenCity with Mari Fletcher of Restaurant365

