How would you imagine government services in the digital age?

Andrew Natoli
Open Charlotte Brigade
1 min readDec 31, 2018

At Open Charlotte Brigade we’re focused on making government services better and more accessible. We’ve held community forums to gather feedback and discuss areas the city can provide better services, we’ve built and launched projects that let residents subscribe to their city and check their EBT card balance, and now we want to know how you would imagine government services from the ground up through technology.

Imagine you’re in charge of establishing a digital footprint in an up and coming town with a brand new technology department. Which services would you take online first and how should your team shape them? What issues or challenges would you want to address and what data would you need to use or make available in order to do so?

On January 19th, 2019 join us at a Civic Hackathon where we’re leaving the floor open to fresh ideas that don’t even have to relate to services already provided in Charlotte. Whether you’re a coder or a civic-minded resident interested in making an impact in your community we need you in the room!

Learn more and RSVP by clicking here. We look forward to seeing you!

