Vote Local! Vote in 2018 National Advisory Council Elections

Jill Bjers
Open Charlotte Brigade
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

Hi. The Code for America National Advisory Council (NAC) elections is happening now! Voting is open until 3 pm ET on February 9th, so it’s crucial to sit right there at your computer and vote! (Your Ballot Is Here)

I’m super excited to announce that I’m running for re-election to NAC. It has been one of my highest honors to represent the Brigade Network over the last year and I believe in the groundwork that we’ve laid. My work as included: building the framework for NAC elections, starting the knowledge-sharing base, working on the first ever Brigade Congress, representing the Network with Code for America and our partners, and more.

NAC has been busy this year, and it’s only just beginning. I’d love to serve one more year and usher in the strong knowledge-sharing base and the next NAC. I’m dedicated to supercharging our collective superpowers and will work to represent the network and Charlotte.

So vote local! Vote Jillzey for NAC!!

Below is a list of the candidates. The names in bold are current NAC members running for re-election. You can vote for 5 at-large candidates and 1 South Regional Candidate.

At-large Only
Jason Hibbets
Eric Jackson
Jill Bjers
Chris Alfano

Jesse Biroscak

South (* are also running for at-large):
Carlos Moreno*
Edison Espinosa
Patrick Bentley*
Julie Kramer*
Mateo Clarke*
Carl V. Lewis*
Laura Biediger*
Victoria O’Dell*

Northeast candidates also running for at-large:
Emma Burnett
Dawn McDougall
Noel Hidalgo
Matt Zagaja

Midwest candidates also running for at-large:
Margeaux Spring
Janet Michaelis
Nehemiah I. Dacres
Kristi Leach

West Region candidates also running for at-large:
Neil Planchon
Taylor Smith
Nina Kin
Brendan Babb
Aaron D Borden
Elina Rubuliak

