LINA Auto-Compounding Plus NEW Stablecoin Yield Minting on BSC

Logan F
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2021

OpenDAO, in coordination with OCP, is pleased to welcome Linear.Finance to our collective platforms!

Yield Mint!

Stake Only LINA - Get LINA - Mint Stablecoins

At. The. SAME. TIME.

$LINA Vaults are LIVE!


  • Summary
  • Stop Losing Money
  • Yield Minting
  • How To: Vaults
  • What is USDO?
  • About Linear Finance
  • About OpenDAO


For those of you who have been following along. Thank you and congratulations on your diligence — it pays off.

There was a slight tech delay, but we’re happy to announce that our partnership with Linear.Finance is in full force now.

This means that users can go to OmniVault.OCP.Finance and autocompound their single stake LINA!

Stake $LINA — Earn $LINA — Yield Mint $USDO from your staked holdings!

NOTE: Many users were early birds and found this guide confusing (LINA Vaults were not enabled, but OmniFARMS was… we recommend relocating funds to vaults for a significantly higher APY.)

“We are excited to collaborate with the team from OpenDAO, as this presents an opportunity to expand our Linear ecosystem and allows our users to continue building their “DeFi Lego”s. We look to expand on this as we will work with OpenDAO to expand into more vaults which will include our other Liquids.”

— Kevin Tai, Linear Finance


Every single day, DeFi investors lose gains simply because they aren’t around to click a button.

That’s right.

Oh? You like sleeping? Fine.

Not clicking ‘Harvest’ often enough…

Farming incentives wait around doing absolutely nothing until the user actually comes and collects them for further reinvestment.

OmniVault solves this!

$LINA 1st!

Keep your eyes open for ℓBTC and ℓETH too!

By auto-compounding your earnings almost instantly, you don’t have to worry about the daily check click wait stake cycle with most other protocols…

OmniVault does this for you, earning more of what you started with, too. No funky platform rewards tokens. If you stake $LINA, you get more $LINA. It’s that simple. It’s why you’ll notice a higher APY than normal too.

That’s not all.




Soon you’ll be able to borrow the USDO stablecoin against the value of your holdings on OmniVault, meaning you will be able to not only be earning true passive income from your holdings, but be able to borrow against them as well.

This will allow LINA holders, and other ℓ-asset holders in the future, to stake their holdings in auto-compounding farms, additionally, users will be able to mint the USDO stablecoin from their holdings… this creates a lot of utility.

Use the USDO to buy more $LINA or participate in any one of the farms on the growing list. This feature will be activated once the $LINA in the vault exceeds $1,000,000.

The sky is not the limit. We’re blasting past it!

$LINA Vaults are LIVE!

Check out OmniVault by clicking this link.


Using Omni Vaults is a snap, but just to make sure you get through okay, here is a handy dandy walkthrough!

[1] Go to OmniVault at

Connect your Wallet!

[2] Create Zap Contract

This will manage users personal compounding vaults on the platform and make further platform usage easier in the near future.

[3] Stake LINA

For this guide I am demonstrating with a different asset. Please be sure to select ‘STAKE LINA.’

Click [max] then [supply]. Approve wallet transaction.

[4] Deposit Now Auto-Compounding

Congratulations, your rewards will be autocompounded back into the underlying position, meaning, your LINA stake becomes more LINA!

[5] Yield Minting

Once LINA liquidity has reached $1,000,000, yield minting is activated. This means that you will be able to mint a stablecoin from your autocompounding position…

More to come for yield minting — think about it. In the meantime…

We are beyond honored to welcome Linear.Finance to the family and add $LINA as one of the first assets to be available for Yield Minting our USDO stablecoin.

We look forward to further integration, bringing more utility and momentum to both projects and our communities.

Let this initial integration be a cornerstone for the better future we are building together.

-Sean Qian, OpenDAO


Great question.

USDO is the flagship stablecoin from OpenDAO, and meant to be a multi-collateral decentralized stablecoin capable of expanding to the size of any economy. Backed by crypto. Backed by stocks. Backed by real estate.

The only Stablecoin backed by the world around you

The USDO stablecoin is fairly new, but gaining traction and use cases quickly. It maintains it’s peg tightly, and we expect its usage rate to go parabolic in the near future.

Learn more at and join the Telegram:



Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol that allows users to get synthetic exposure. Users can utilize our cross-chain swap functionality to instantly swap assets across leading blockchain environments and DeFi protocols with unlimited liquidity and zero slippage.

Their platform features several tools that users can leverage to help maximize the strength of their investments, including their Linear Buildr, a decentralized application for staking and building LUSD. They also feature Linear.Exchange, which enables trading of a variety of liquid assets (Liquids) based on spot cryptocurrencies, commodities, and thematic indexes with nearly instant confirmation time and immediate finality.

Lastly, the Linear Vault allows users to earn a passive income by locking ℓUSD or LP tokens to passively and efficiently earn interest paid in ℓUSD, BUSD and LINA tokens.


OpenDAO (OPEN) serves as a bridge for real-world assets to cross over into the growing DeFi infrastructure. The goal is to bring more value into the space by providing exposure to real estate, stocks, and more… all in a uniquely permissionless and seamless manner.

The DAO is nearly finished with the architecture for the creation of a superior stablecoin, one backed entirely by the world around you.

Join our Telegram if you haven’t already!

Thank you! 🙏🏻

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Logan F

Blockchain-Brained Creative Futurist: Make your own future