Join New Zealand as CSO chair of our Implementation Working Group
by Open Data Charter
2019 will be a critical year for the Open Data Charter (ODC), as we will work with our network to help cement political consensus around the idea that just and equitable societies will be built on data that is open by default, coupled with efforts to safeguard privacy and security.
To support our ”Bringing power to the open” strategy, we are looking for a new co-chair for our Implementation Working Group (IWG), to work together with Paul Stone, the Open Data Programme Leader in the government of New Zealand.
The objective of the IWG is to support governments that are committed to implementing the Charter principles, including by developing resources and sharing best practice.
The IWG offers a way for convening members of the Charter’s network to discuss issues of common concern and to produce shared resources. They are driven by the interests of their members, in line with the overall Charter strategy.
Any member of the Charter network can join the IWG and participation is voluntary. Being a member involves regular calls, some preparation work and potentially in-person meetings at the sidelines of open data events.
The Charter team provides support to the chairs in setting up the calls, taking notes and engaging with group members [read more about the nature of support here]. In collaboration with the Charter team, the members agree on annual work plans with clear deliverables and objectives which will also identify the resources needed to support this work. Resources created by the groups will be available under a Creative Commons licence.
We encourage applications from members of civil society organisations, who would like to help set the agenda of the 2019 IWG and have the following qualifications:
- a track record in open data work,
- an understanding of the Charter mission and its goals,
- are committed to supporting the delivery of our strategy, specifically by guiding, facilitating discussions and enabling the 2019 IWG’s action plan
If this sounds like you, or someone you know, please send the candidate’s CV to before March 22, 2019.