Lujan de Cuyo adopts the international Open Data Charter principles

Open Data Charter
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2024

A Statement from Luján de Cuyo Municipality, Argentina, May 2024

We adopted the Open Data Charter because we believe in, and are committed to, the principles proclaimed therein, of Transparency and accountability, citizen participation and innovation, as well as the Efficiency and improvement of public services, all central axes of our Government Plan (, and we understand that we must strengthen and institutionalize all these principles and their practical applications to be sustainable over the time, beyond political or electoral cycles.

We have made significant progress in recent years, such as adhering to Law 9070 on Access to Public Information, including the concept of Public Transparency, the Open Government Web section, the Open Data Portal, and the Data Sets platform. (

We are encouraged to take a leap forward, deepen our plan and actions in this regard, seeking tools and standards to validate the path we have outlined, participating in the Open Data Index of Cities in Argentina, achieving the top position in the Ranking alongside five other cities. (

We also did the same with the application to participate in the Open Government Partnership (OGP), the Federal Open Government Alliance, among others. And we set out to participate and challenge ourselves in the What Works Cities (WWC) program, led by the Results4America organization of the Bloomberg Philanthropies foundation, achieving international certification with the Silver category. (

The expected benefits are primarily to surpass ourselves day by day, improve in each of the areas and aspects addressed by the Charter, and deepen the real impact of these actions and tools on the quality of life of our neighbors, in a sustainable manner.

Main policies to achieve the principle of open by default.

We implement a series of measures, protocols and guidelines in order to promote open data by default through specific policies that promote publication, in open and reusable formats, facilitating its access and use by the public through adequate technological infrastructure with a platform, and Web Portal (, dedicated to open data with its strategy, guides, and protocols.


When developing and implementing our open data policy, we encountered a series of obstacles and challenges, which were mainly related to the cultural change of the organization, which was characterized by information silos and insecurity or ignorance about the implications of opening our data.

Another challenge was the lack of both regulatory and technological knowledge on how to face a new era of openness. The same goes for profiles and specialists in both fields.

In terms of areas where to seek further support from the Open Data Charter network, we can include: Technical assistance and specialized training in the implementation of open data policies, as well as in the development of technical capacities. Exchange of best practices, experiences, and lessons learned with other governments and organizations within the network. Support in raising awareness and promoting to increase awareness about the importance of open data and promote its adoption both within the government and among civil society and the private sector. Development of common standards and tools for the publication and exchange of open data, facilitating interoperability and access to data across different jurisdictions and sectors. Benefit from shared experience and mutual support to overcome challenges in the implementation of open data policies and move towards greater transparency and citizen participation.

Final reflections

Our main advice for public officials launching open data initiatives is to focus on collaboration, transparency, and engagement with citizens. This involves engaging stakeholders from the outset, including various government departments, civil society, the private sector, and academia. This will help identify needs, priorities, and potential obstacles, and ensure a more inclusive and sustainable approach. It is important to set clear and achievable goals, promote a culture of openness and collaboration, prioritize the quality and relevance of data, identify datasets of interest and utility to citizens and other users, facilitate access and reuse of data, which may involve developing dedicated online platforms and adopting common standards and protocols for data publication. It is also essential to continuously evaluate and adapt open data initiatives.

Some specific areas we can mention include urban development and planning, by providing access to data on transportation, housing, public services, land use, and other aspects related to the development of cities and communities. This can facilitate evidence-based decision-making and citizen participation in urban planning.

Another political challenge is social inclusion and equity, where an effective open data strategy could contribute by providing access to data on socioeconomic inequalities, access to public services, discrimination, and other issues related to equal opportunities and other inequities. This would help address disparities and promote the inclusion of more vulnerable groups.

If you would like to adopt the international Open Data Charter, please read more here.



Open Data Charter

Collaborating with governments and organisations to open up data for pay parity, climate action and combatting corruption.