Macedonia adopts the Open Data Charter

Open Data Charter
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018
Photo by Nicolas Picard on Unsplash

As we close the end of this year, we are thrilled to welcome the Republic of Macedonia as the most recent adopter of the Open Data Charter. As part of their open government policy, Macedonia has committed to working toward becoming open by default to increase its responsiveness and accountability to its citizens.

By joining the Charter, Macedonia seeks to collaborate with international partners allowing them to exchange lessons and best practices with peers around the world.

In June 2018, Macedonia launched its Open Data Strategy, which together with their access to information law of 2006 and their Open Government Partnership National Action Plan, form part of a legal and policy framework towards an open and responsive government.

There are big challenges in publishing high-quality data in a timely manner following interoperable data standards, as well as working to build internal capacities among public institutions for managing good data production, sharing and use.

To ensure that data can be accessed and used effectively by the widest range of users Macedonia knows that they will need to raise awareness of open data, enhance data literacy, build capacity for effective use of data, and ensure that citizens, civil society organisations and private sector representatives have the tools and resources they need to effectively understand how public resources are used. That’s why they have placed a particular emphasis on the Chater’s third principle, Accessible and Usable data.

Working to become open by default is not an easy task, but Macedonia is convinced that this is the path that leads to improved public service delivery and public sector efficiency.

Combined with increased public engagement their open data plans will support efforts to combat corruption and contribute to the creation of an innovative climate that delivers new economic opportunities for the business sector.



Open Data Charter

Collaborating with governments and organisations to open up data for pay parity, climate action and combatting corruption.