We need a new voice to join ODC’s Advisory Board — and a new Board Chair!

If you want to make data open, we would like to hear from you…

Open Data Charter
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash

2021 was a year full of exciting changes for the Open Data Charter (ODC). We have a new Executive Director and have welcomed new roles within the team and our network. Entering the second month of 2022, we finally shared ODC’s Strategy for 2022–2023.

After many years chairing our Board, Richard Stirling will be stepping down. We thank him for all the work and time he has shared with us. Now, we are looking for a knowledgeable and passionate open data ambassador to join our board as well as someone to take on the responsibility of being the Board’s Chair.

We hope those who will join us (it might be one person fulfilling both roles or two people) are able to support the delivery of our mission — instilling a culture of open and responsible data use in governments and its citizens and to help us solve the most pressing policy challenges while seeking justice, upholding human rights and data privacy.

We want to achieve greater diversity and encourage applications from underrepresented groups.

For the additional Advisory Board Member, we hope you can help us spread the word so we can find the right person who:

  • Has a track record around the use and impact of open data,
  • Has an understanding of the ODC’s mission and its goals,
  • Is willing to commit to supporting our strategy through our quarterly calls (see more on board roles and responsibility), and
  • Can act as an ambassador for the ODC at a global scale.

If these two open positions (i.e. Advisory Board Member and Chair of the ODC’s Board) sounds like you, or someone you know, please send the candidate’s CV and cover letter to recruitment@opendatacharter.org by March 31, 2022. Please note: These are unpaid advisory positions and we have extended the deadline till the end of the month.

The Open Data Charter was launched at the margins of the 2015 United Nations General Assembly after a global consultation by key representatives from governments and leading organisations set out six key Principles, including that data should be open by default, timely and interoperable. Since then, more than 80 governments and more than 50 organisations have joined this movement to shape purpose-driven open data policies and practices around the world — from New Zealand to Kenya, or Buenos Aires to Ontario. We do this to help solve some of the most pressing policy challenges of our time, create just societies and inclusive economies.



Open Data Charter

Collaborating with governments and organisations to open up data for pay parity, climate action and combatting corruption.