OpenExplorer Report: Hello World

We’re excited to introduce the new OpenExplorer Report. It’s a weekly summary of a few of our favorite expeditions and noteworthy updates. If you’d like to subscribe to the email to have interesting things delivered straight to your inbox, you can do so here!

Open Explorer Journal
2 min readMar 16, 2015


Search for a sunken steamship in San Francisco Bay

Eric Stackpole had a hunch that the Steamer San Rafael might be findable with an OpenROV. After posting a short background on OpenExplorer, a number of experts and collaborators came together to point out potential leads and possible wreck sites. The team made their first pass this weekend.

Blue Whale Research in Sri Lanka

Asha de Vos is on a mission. She’s heading to Sri Lanka for another field season studying a population of Pygmy Blue Whales that live near the island. Her research centers around learning more about this creature’s habits and patterns in an effort to reduce deaths by ship strike. And, yes, she’s got more information on whale poop (pictured above!) than you ever wanted to know. She also needs your help to get more ship time!

What the heck is going into the Puget Sound?

Diver Laura has been diving in the Puget Sound for years. She was the citizen scientist responsible for discovering and reporting the first stages of Sea Star Wasting Syndrome. Now, she’s shining a light on wastewater runoff and how it’s affecting the marine environment.

