OE Report:
Makers on the Move

Open Explorer Journal
2 min readMay 26, 2015

There is something comforting about building gear where tools, power grids, and supplies abound, but we don’t want you to be comfortable.

The goal of exploring however, is getting out in the dirt, on the road, or on the water. The gritty, grimy reality of field work is that making does not end when you close your front door. Between actively innovating gear in situ and the inevitable field repairs of working in an uncertain environment, these explorers are makers on the move.

A Hiking Hackathon to Promote Field Research

When we hear about new research technology, we often picture it in the context of a controlled, sterile, lab space. What happens when you share a lab with a colony of bullet ants, unpredictable weather, and the knowledge that you’ll have to relocate every few days? For many scientists working directly in the field, there are a host of challenges that must be overcome in order to reach step one of the experimental process. The Dissemination Lab group is connecting people by coming up with new ways to implement digital technology in a variety of ecosystems. The first place they’re hiking and hacking? Madagascar:

An Adventure Bus and the Power of Collaboration

About six months ago, an adventurous family on Prince Edward Island decided to document their curiosity about the rich marine environment around them. Theirs was a team of makers, teachers, robot technicians, and aspiring mermaids. Today, with an adventure bus and an OpenROV in tow, this family of six will be taking their exploration on the road. You can follow their exciting journey from inspiration to embarkment below:

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