OGI presented in 2016 Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government (Dublin, Ireland)

Ricardo Matheus
2 min readApr 1, 2017

During 11th and 12th December 2016, Prof. Marijn Janssen (http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/marijnj) was on the Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government. The subject selected this years was the "Critical Questions in Public Sector IT: Outlining a Collaborative Research Agenda". To know more about the workshop , please access the website: http://icis2016.aisnet.org/enterprise-systems-research-workshop/ .

The selected subject allowed to show the H2020 OpenGovIntelligence to the audience, linking how Linked and Open Statistical Data Cubes can improve the data quality and interoperability between public policies services delivery. As an example, his presentation introduced how algorithms will influence the relationship between humans and machine on the future.

Prof. Marijn Janssen in the 2016 Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Government (Dublin, Ireland)

The workshop chairs were Rony Medaglia (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) and Theresa A. Pardo (University at Albany, USA). The SIGeGov is headed by the President: Rony Medaglia (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), President-elect: Efthimios (Themis) Tambouris (University of Macedonia, Greece), Treasurer: Arild Jansen (University of Oslo, Norway), Secretary: Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund (Mid Sweden University, Sweden), Past President: Kim Normann Andersen (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark). The Digital Government Society is headed by the President Soon Ae Chun (City University of New York, College of Staten Island, USA), President-elect Sehl Mellouli (University of Laval, Quebec City, Canada), Treasurer Andrea Kavanaugh (Virginia Tech, USA), and Secretary Natalie Helbig (New York State Department of Health, USA)



Ricardo Matheus

Open Government Data - Big Data - Transparency Governance - Anti-Corruption Online Systems - Data Analyst