Different types of HR Reports for Smarter Business Decisions

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6 min readApr 11, 2023

The global market has changed its strategies, and the upswing of multinational corporations and the diversified workforce demands more and more advanced tools and techniques for managing high tire businesses.

To manage the highly competitive business environment, intuitive and strategic HR software is essential. The advanced HR software will help HR professionals to smoothen their workflow by delivering adequate and relevant data and information in real time.

The HR Reports generate business reports that analyze and showcase various forms of data in different formats. All the HR-associated metrics, status, achievements, total growth, and many other pieces of information are displayed in the best possible way. Both the quantitative and qualitative measures are depicted for quickly analyzing every data related to the HR department. In the current scenario, the HR report is significant and indispensable in practical business analysis. When the number of employees increases, the need for good HR software and HR reporting system are increased. Read more about Types of HRIS Systems

Table of Contents

1. Recruitment Analysis.

2. Attendance Analysis.

3. Custody Analysis.

4. Service Reporting.

A highly efficient HR Report system like the HR report system available in the OpenHRMS platform is very essential for overcoming all the challenges and issues faced by the conventional mode of information gathering systems. Digital HR management solutions like OpenHRMS put forward many advanced measures which will be very useful for effective information gathering.

In this blog, we will analyze the importance of HR Reports in the organization.

Easily Identifying Flaws

The HR report system can easily identify the flaws and weak points of an organization. Until the intricacies are appropriately managed, the organization will never get rapid growth. It is the duty of the HR department to identify the weak areas of their organization and employees and also the organization’s in-house departments. The HR reports will be very convenient for the HR professionals to take adequate actions and appropriate decisions to avoid all controversies. For example, if the employees are not able to smoothly close a deal, the HR department should oversee the reasons and their performances. The lack of timely analysis will result inconsistencies in your business. If the organization has the strong HR report system, it will help you to timely address the major concerns like pitfalls in hiring, pitfalls in employee engagement, failure, and depletion in sales. These are a matter of concern to any organization and if they aren’t timely addressed, it is likely to affect the company’s future run. The HR reports can also put great support in the retention of skilled employees by analyzing issues at the workplace.

Better Future Planning

The well-defined HR reporting system will help you to have a safe plan for your business. The best HR report feature available in the OpenHRMS platform will allow you to keep all the employee performance data in one single place. The multi-dimensional HR report function available in the system will allow you to gather all the information with a single click. All the reports are arranged in one single view and this will be very convenient for the administrators, HR professionals, and even for the employees. The real-time reports will gather all the business and employee related information along with attractive views. The visual parameters included in the system will offer quick analysis. Therefore, HR professionals can save more time and effort. The list, graphical and tabular format of the reports will ensure a better view of the operations and the authority can gain a better insight into each employee and operations.

Properly Track Employee Executions

The responsibilities of HR department is to quickly understand the issues bounded with the employees. Providing adequate solutions for the employee’s difficulties at the right time is very important. Employee difficulties and work-related issues and employee abilities can be clearly understood by analyzing employee performances. The OpenHRMS platform offers the best HR reports and that will provide various custom reports which will give an insight for the organization about their employee abilities and performances.

The different HR data include recruitment analysis, employee performance analysis, training details, employee absenteeism, attendance reports, attrition rate, Payslip information, Timesheet analysis, Leave request analysis, Job application details, department wise employee analysis, monthly leave analysis by department wise, monthly join / resign analysis, attrition rate, up coming birthdays, upcoming events, announcements, leave analysis and everything will be reported in the Open HRMS platform.

1. Recruitment Analysis.

The Recruitment analysis offered by the OpenHRMS platform will be an exclusive platform for measuring recruitment details of various company departments. The different countries can be easily identified because of the different color formats. The system also allows you to generate reports in various measures such as Color Index, Delay to Close, Expected Salary, Probability, Proposed Salary, and many more aspects.

In addition, the reports can be viewed in Bar Chart forms, Pie, and Line charts. You can also analyze the reports using the Stacked view. Also can arrange the chart in Ascending and Descending orders.

In addition, you can filter the reports using different criteria. The different criteria include

Creation Date(Month/Quarter/and Year base), Unassigned, New, Ongoing, Refused, and Archived. These are all the default filters included in the system. You can also apply various customized filters using the Add Custom Filter option.

Similarly, you can group the recruitment reports using various default as well as customizable Group By options. The default group BY options available in the list are Responsible, Company, Jobs, Department, Stage, and Creation Date (Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day).

Further, the Recruitment Analysis can be analyzed using the Pivot view. The tabular report will give you a deep insight into each tabular information.

2. Attendance Analysis.

The Attendance Analysis feature encompassed in the OpenHRMS platform provides a different experience for the users. The graphical and pivot analysis will be available by selecting the respective menu icons. The visual parameters such as Barchart, Pie Chart, and Line Chart make the graphical analysis colorful. You will get a complete view of your employee’s attendance analysis based on the worked hours and also the extra hours.

3. Custody Analysis.

The Custody Analysis report included in the Custody module of the OpenHRMS platform allows you to have a quick glance at the overall custody analysis with different aspects.

4. Service Reporting.

The Service report analysis can be obtained from the OpenHRMS platform.

So in the OpenHRMS platform, the reports are managed in a most brilliant and attractive way. The rich use of visual parameters makes the HR reports most elegant and effective. Have a look at the following blog to explore more about types of HR system.

Originally published at https://www.openhrms.com.




Open HRMS is an open source HR Management software that envisions building a happier workforce.