Using OpenLink’s ODBC-JDBC Bridge to Access JDBC Data Sources via Tableau (Windows Edition)

Tableau provides users with an analytics solution that provides an easy-to-use interface for building and presenting analytical data. Tableau natively supports the ODBC data access interface, which provides access to numerous data sources.

Native JDBC support is currently missing from Tableau Desktop, which leaves Java data sources inaccessible without appropriate middleware.

OpenLink’s ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver provides ODBC Compliant applications such as Tableau with connectivity to JDBC-accessible data sources.

ODBC-JDBC Driver (Single-Tier) Architecture Diagram


Creating an ODBC Connection

  • Navigate to the more section of the side navigation bar and click on Other Database (ODBC).
Tableau Data Connection selection scoped to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  • Start the ODBC DSN configuration process using Tableau’s DSN configuration and management UI.
  • Select the “Driver” radio button and then select the OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Bridge (matching the Java SDK & Runtime associated with your JDBC Driver) from the drop-down.
Tableau’s ODBC Data Source Configuration UI
  • Click connect, and then click on options in the login interface that pops up.

Provide a name for your ODBC DSN. You can also include an optional description, but most tools will not show this to you when asking you to pick the DSN to which they’ll connect.

OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 1

Type your JDBC driver’s classname (e.g., virtuoso.jdbc4.Driver, openlink.jdbc4.Driver) into the JDBC Driver text box. If you already know your JDBC URL, you can type or paste it into the URL String text box. Alternatively, you can click “…” button to bring up the JDBC connection string builder.

By default, the “Connect now to verify that all settings are correct” box is checked. Input a username and password, and click “Continue” to test the basic connection at this point, before proceeding to the Options, Preferences, and Compatibility setting panes.

OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 2
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 4
  • Continue through the Setup panels (Options, Preferences, Compatibility) to adjust any other settings specific to how this data source will interact with your ODBC client application. (Details of these settings may be found in the product documentation.)
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 5
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 6
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 7
  • Review the list of active settings, and click Test Datasource… to verify connectivity.
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 8
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 9
  • Once the connection is successfully verified, click okay and enter you login credentials.
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 10
  • Click Connect to create an ODBC connection against your JDBC data source and click sign in to continue.
OpenLink ODBC Driver Setup UI (invoked via Tableau) — Step 11
  • Select a database from your JDBC data source using the Database dropdown menu. Click on New Custom SQL and enter the query you wish to use in Tableau.
Executing SQL Query against JDBC Data Source via Data Source Name bound to OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Driver — Step 1
  • Click Update Now to refresh results from your data source.
Executing SQL Query against JDBC Data Source via Data Source Name bound to OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Driver — Step 2
Executing SQL Query against JDBC Data Source via Data Source Name bound to OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Driver — Step 3
  • From here, you can use Tableau to design reports with your newly updated JDBC data.
Executing SQL Query against JDBC Data Source via Data Source Name bound to OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Driver — Step 4


