New OpenLink Community Site

A Discussion Space for Customers, Partners, and Anyone Curious about Modern Data Access, Virtualization, and Management

Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Blog
4 min readSep 20, 2018


To all our users, customers, partners, and friends —

With excitement, we present our brand-new Discourse-powered Community Site and Discussion Forum, at This is a place to ask questions about and help others with our SQL, ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, SPARQL, RDF, HTTP, WebDAV, LDP, TLS, OAuth, and OpenID Connect compliant products and technologies, as well as to share projects you’ve worked on and to collaborate locally.

This new discussion space includes built-in features like Web Pages that double as launch-points to a Semantic Web of Linked Data, courtesy of embedded descriptions of actions (e.g., “Search”) that are comprehensible by both humans and machines, enabling discovery and REST-ful interaction via the combined effects of tools such as our own Virtuoso RDBMS, Data Transformation Middleware (Sponger), OSDB (OpenLink Smart Data Bot) and OSDS (OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer).

Automatable REST-ful Interaction

Start on the OpenLink Community home page, in a browser where you’ve already installed OSDS, the OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer:

OpenLink Community Home Page

Click the OSDS icon in the toolbar, to see what structured data is hiding in the page source (Microdata, JSON-LD, Turtle, RDFa, RDF/XML, etc.):

What OSDS Discovers from Metadata embedded in Home Page

Click the "describe" icon (the spiky one in the middle) to bring the Sponger to bear, via our public URIBurner instance. Authenticate (identify) yourself using any of the services whose icons are in that dialog, and you’ll get a description of the site in the Faceted Browser. You’ll see two Values for the "potentialAction" Attribute; click on the one that starts http:// (not https://) to get this description of that action, as seen by the Sponger:

Metadata extracted from Community Server Home Page by the Virtuoso Transformation Middleware (Sponger)

This action can now be brought into OSDB, the OpenLink Smart Data Bot. This requires some extra privileges, so we’ve already brought in the Community Actions, as you can see in the list:

Service (Action Collection) Registration using Identifier Generated by Virtuoso Transformation Middleware

Clicking on openlink_community_search in the list will show you the actions (or, in this case, action) possible there:

OSDB’s Dynamically Generated Search Action Interaction Console — 1

You can click the + icon to see the options applicable to the action, or click the little table icon to get an action invocation form:

OSDB’s Dynamically Generated Search Action Interaction Console — 2

As may be obvious (and as will be seen if you click the +), the q field gets your search term string. The radio buttons for Service output determine whether clicking the Execute Action button brings you raw data, or (as below) takes you to the result page you would see if you used the search tool directly on the Community site:

Search Results Page produced by OSDB Search Action Console

Please use one of your social logins (such as Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn) to create an account, and introduce yourself.

An introductory post is a good way to start in this community. Who are you, where do you live and work, what brought you to these technologies, and to OpenLink Software…?

Before posting a question, please search the site to see whether it’s been asked before. If existing answers don’t quite fit your situation, use your best judgement about asking a new question or following up to an existing thread.

When you ask questions, please try to post them to the correct category. Additional tags can also be helpful to others trying to find answers, and trying to help users like you.

In your questions, please share as much detail as possible, so that others can understand and reproduce your issue. For instance, if you’re asking about an ODBC issue, be sure to provide the specific driver edition, name, and version, as well as the name and version of the ODBC application and host OS, and of the target DBMS. If you know them, anchoring elements of your question with relevant Linked Data URIs can help ensure everyone is talking about the same thing.

(If you’re concerned about privacy for any reason, our Support Center and confidential Case System remains available, but will generally be handled at lower priority unless you have a current Support Contract.)

If you have any questions about the Community site itself, please raise them in the Feedback category.

Please enjoy!

All of us at OpenLink Software



Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Blog

Technical Evangelist for OpenLink Software. Mac Geek. Human Middleware. Shamanic Witch. Shapeshifter. Singer. Drummer. Dancer. Dreamer.