OpenAPI (Swagger), the API Economy, REST, and a Semantic Web of Linked Data

Kingsley Uyi Idehen
OpenLink Software Blog
11 min readJun 24, 2017

Situation Analysis

The network commonly referred to as the World Wide Web (“Web”) is built upon the powerful duality delivered by a HTTP URI (“Hyperlink”).

One Hyperlink packs two powerful features:

  1. Denotation —referent signification using a symbol
  2. Connotation — referent description using a form of media (for instance, a document)

The Hyperlink that brings you to this post demonstrates Medium’s use of said Hyperlink as the document’s name; i.e., how it identifies this document.

A Name is always about the dual act of denotation and connotation via some form of indirection. In the real-world, this denotation → connotation indirection happens in our minds, while on the Web it occurs by way of hyperlinks that return documents (with negotiable content-type).

Hypermedia (Webby Content or Data)

Hypermedia (Webby Content) is Document Content that includes hyperlinks, which may or may not include explicit controls for Hyperlink lookup (or dereference).

For instance, an HTML document is an example of a Hypermedia resource equipped with explicit controls that inform a User Agent about Hyperlink-lookup — in this case, the <a /> tag. The fact that instructions and content are intermingled is what makes HTML a Markup Language, rather than an Abstract Language (e.g., RDF where information is relayed by way of relation relationship-type semantics defined by vocabularies and ontologies).

Notations for creating RDF document content (e.g., RDF-Turtle, JSON-LD) don’t include explicit Hyperlink-lookup controls. Why? For the following reasons:

  1. Both are notations for constructing RDF Language sentence using subject → predicate → object structure. Thus, the role-semantics of sentence subject, predicate, or objects are the keys to understanding what’s encoded in a sentence (just like the real-world).
  2. When Linked Data principles are applied, both notations enable the use of hyperlinks to identify the subject and predicate (and optionally, object) of an RDF sentence/statement.
  3. RDF in its most basic form is driven by a foundation vocabulary (that all RDF-aware applications must understand) with regard to the nature of a sentence, i.e., its subject, predicate, and object components.
  4. The sophistication of the information encoded in an RDF Language sentence is a function of the vocabulary of terms applied (again, just like the real-world, where the vocabulary of a three-year-old would differ significantly from that of an adult).

Here’s a visualization of a snippet of statements from RDF’s foundation vocabulary, with emphasis on the description of terms such as rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object.

RDF Vocabulary Snippet courtesy of the OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (which adds RDF content rendering to browsers)

REST Interaction Pattern

As stated earlier, the Web is fundamentally a publicly accessible network where every de-referenceable node on the network is identified by a Hyperlink. Thus, Agents and Servers can exchange information intelligently by guided de-reference (lookup) of relevant segments of hypermedia.

For Agents in particular, this provides a powerful mechanism for application state transition; i.e., the results of Hyperlink lookups actually drive the state transitions a user perceives as application behavior.

REST Vs. A Semantic Web of Linked Data — An Artificial Dichotomy

Unfortunately, a false dichotomy has arisen across the communities of so-called “Web Developers” (who prefer explicit Hyperlink-lookup controls) and don’t necessarily see a need for HTTP URI opacity.

Roy Fielding — espousing a view on HTTP URLs that Identify Document Locations/Addresses regarding REST interaction pattern

Here is the world-view associated with so-called “Semantic Web Developers” who prefer to leave understanding the nature of controls to context provided by RDF sentences.

Tim Berners-Lee — espousing a generic view of URIs as Names used to identify anything, as in the Linked Data Principles

Like all paradoxes, Tim Berners-Lee and Roy Fielding aren’t contradicting one another. In fact, they are speaking about different things that are mutually compatible, i.e., denotation and connotation with regard to HTTP!

Anyway, sticking with my solution focus in this post, the issue outlined above is beginning to reach a point of resolution, thanks to the obvious need to document Web APIs (what “Web Developers” are interested in) without covertly imposing the English Language on every developer.

API Documentation

In recent times, Swagger (now known as OpenAPI) has emerged as an open standard for Web API documentation. Its adoption by API publishers has already reached the point of critical mass.

Using a Smart Agent to bridge between REST APIs and the Semantic Web of Linked Data

The remainder of this post demonstrates how API documentation can effectively bridge the artificially separated communities of “Web Developers” and “Semantic Web Developers.”

The tools used in this exercise are:

  1. OpenLink Smart Data Bot — a Smart Agent that dynamically generates interaction interfaces for both humans and machines via webby data (a/k/a Linked Data) derived from APIs documented using Swagger (specifically, JSON Content-Type)
  2. Terms from the RDF and vocabularies
  3. URIBurner Service — a live instance of Virtuoso (our platform for modern data access, integration, virtualization, and management) that has the Linked Data module (a/k/a the “Sponger”) enabled
  4. OpenLink Data Explorer (ODE) browser extension — adds Linked Data transformation services to existing Web Browsers
  5. OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) — discovers and expose Structured Metadata embedded in HTML documents
  6. DBpedia — the kernel that spawned the massive Linked Open Data Cloud enclave within the World Wide Web
  7. A DBpedia Query API — documented using Swagger (actual JSON documentation is right here) and published via Swagger Hub

Generating API Description from Swagger API Documentation

List of DBpedia APIs currently deployed via SWAGGERhub
Looking at the DBpedia Query API labeled “DBpedia Virtuoso”, which is basically a DBpedia API that exposes the SPARQL Query services provided by the Virtuoso instance on which DBpedia is deployed
Using the ODE browser extension to select the JSON edition of Swagger API documentation, for “on the fly” transformation into RDF-based Linked Data
Result of Transformation via the URIBurner service to which ODE is bound (URIBurner binding is configurable; i.e., you can bind ODE to any Linked Data Service, be it Virtuoso-based or from other solution providers)

Having an RDF-based Linked Data transformation of an API documented using Swagger implies the following:

Recalling my earlier points about denotation and connotation, this is why looking-up (clicking or de-referencing) the two aesthetically distinct HTTP URIs above lead to the same content being presented in your browser. Here’s additional information to emphasize this very important point:

OpenLink Smart Data Bot (OSDB) Binding

Now that we have an HTTP URI that unambiguously identifies an API, we can use that URI for all subsequent references, e.g., when loading it into OSDB, as in the depiction below.

List of Web Services (“Services”) Registered with OSDB. Each Service is associated with one or more Actions (“Operations”).

Once the description of the API has been processed by OSDB, it is added to the list of registered Web Services (“Services”), and from this point on, you simply click for further guidance.

Here’s a list of options (“arguments”) available to a human or software agent seeking to interact with a specific Action (labeled “find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string”) associated with a registered Service (labeled “dbpedia_query_api”) using OSDB.

list of options (“arguments”)

Here’s an interaction console (oriented to the human user) that provides one interaction option.

Note: All default values and help-text are generated from the API description (this is a pattern also used by many Swagger tools, the difference here is that OSDB produces the console from RDF-based Linked Data i.e., leverage relationship type semantics that it understands by way of term definitions from the RDF and vocabularies).

interaction console

Here’s the console with input which in this case takes the form of SPARQL Query text.

console with input

Result of hitting the “Execute Action” button which leads to the content of a Query Results document being presented in your browser.

Result of hitting the “Execute Action” button

Using our Structured Data Sniffer’s SPARQL Editor feature, you can jump straight in to Query view and/or modification mode, if you choose.

OSDS’s SPARQL Editor feature

By changing the &query parameter name to &qtxt — in the HTTP URI/URL presented in your browser — you can also retrieve the content of DBpedia’s SPARQL Query editor which also enables you to view and/or modify query text.

REST-ful Interaction using Swagger Console

REST-ful Interaction using curl

You can repeat the human-centric interactions covered so far by using curl to emulate the behavior of an HTTP User agent. Basically, the state of your application experience is guided by the document content retrieved; i.e., you can work your way through various OSDB actions, courtesy of its registered Web Services API and their associated actions (operations).


Given an OSDB registered API (Web Service) labeled dbpedia_query_api, here’s how you use curl to obtain its associated Actions:


curl -ik ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, api_key, Authorization
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 481
ETag: W/"1e1-XyFwqo7LTFhDsxTF3Ot9Hw"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:25:08 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
{"status":"success","method":"describe_service","api":"/osdb/api/v1/services/:service_id","response":{"service_id":"dbpedia_query_api","service_name":"dbpedia_query_api","description":"Virtuoso is a modern enterprise grade solution for data access, integration, and relational database management (SQL Tables and/or RDF based Property/Predicate Graphs).\n","import_source_uri":""}}

Given OSDB Action labeled find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string, here’s how its call invocation structure (or call signature) is obtained:


curl -ik ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, api_key, Authorization
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1025
ETag: W/"401-eIU1xysLbL3MFnOkQeET3w"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:26:54 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
{"status":"success","method":"describe_action","api":"/osdb/api/v1/actions/:service_id/:action_id","response":{"action_id":"find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string","description":"Find related DBpedia resources for a given string","entry_point":{"http_method":"GET","url_template":null,"url":"","name":null,"description":null,"encoding_types":["application/json","application/xml"],"content_types":["application/javascript","application/json","application/rdf+xml","application/sparql-results+json","application/sparql-results+xml","application/","text/csv","text/cxml","text/html","text/plain","text/tab-separated-values","text/turtle","text/x-html+tr"],"parameters":[{"parameter_name":"query","display_name":"query","description":"Query Text","type":"query","required":1,"permitted_values":null},{"parameter_name":"default-graph-uri","display_name":"default-graph-uri","description":"Default Data Set Name (Graph IRI)","type":"query","required":0,"permitted_values":null}]}}}

You can invoke the Action labeled find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string with a preference to return a document URI/URL rather than content:


curl -ki -X POST -d '{ "query":"SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE {?s a ?o} limit 50", "default-graph-uri": "", "osdb:output_type": "url_only" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, api_key, Authorization
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 145
ETag: W/"91-2Bp1lwijcfj85b+a4LRIhA"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:30:09 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

You can invoke the Action labeled find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string with a preference to return HTML content:


curl -ki -X POST -d '{ "query":"SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE {?s a ?o} limit 50", "default-graph-uri": "", "osdb:response_format": "text/html" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ""

You can invoke the Action labeled find_related_dbpedia_resources_for_a_given_string with a preference to return RDF-Turtle content:


curl -ki -X POST -d '{ "query":"SELECT DISTINCT ?o WHERE {?s a ?o} limit 50", "default-graph-uri": "", "osdb:response_format": "text/turtle" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ""

Bearing in mind that OSDB is an aggregator of APIs (documented using Swagger or described from onset using RDF Language), with each API registered it gains N number of Action Invocation capabilities (or skills).

Here’s an example using curl to explore Uber Product Offers, via OSDB:


curl -ikL -X POST -d '{ "latitude":"37.7759792", "longitude":"-122.41823", "osdb:output_type":"generate_rdf", "osdb:response_format":"application/ld+json" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ""


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, api_key, Authorization
Content-Type: application/ld+json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 34630
ETag: W/"8746-zUo255Oi5/zBJE2THpB1kA"
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:36:05 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
{ "@graph": [
{ "@id": "",
"@type": "",
"": "schema" },
{ "@id": "",


I’ve used OSDB’s functionality to demonstrate the fact that the notion of a Semantic Web of Linked Data and REST-ful interactions using APIs aren’t mutually exclusive in any way. In fact, they are symbiotic aspects of what makes the Web’s underlying architecture so powerful.

A single instance of OSDB provides a REST-ful interaction point for engaging a variety of Actions extracted from a variety of APIs documented using Swagger and/or RDF documents.

Fundamentally, the architecture that delivered the Web is also a vehicle for loosely-coupled exploitation of the time-tested M-V-C pattern, along the following lines:

  • Model — Semantic Web of Linked Data
  • Viewer — HTML-based Web of Documents
  • Controller — REST-ful interaction with APIs, where operations are part of a Web of Actions


  • Open Smart Data Bot — a Smart Agent that dynamically generates action (operation) interaction interfaces (for both humans and machines) via webby data (a/k/a Linked Data) derived from APIs documented using Swagger (specifically, JSON Content-Type)
  • Terms from the RDF and vocabularies
  • URIBurner Service — a live instance of Virtuoso that has the Linked Data module (a/k/a “Sponger”) module enabled
  • OpenLink Data Explorer (ODE) browser extension — adds Linked Data transformation services to existing Web Browsers
  • OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) — discovers Structured Metadata embedded in HTML documents
  • DBpedia — kernel that spawned the massive Linked Open Data Cloud enclave within the World Wide Web
  • A DBpedia Query API — documented using Swagger and published via Swagger Hub
  • APIs & REST — by Roy Fielding
  • Linked Data Principles — by Tim Berners-Lee




Kingsley Uyi Idehen
OpenLink Software Blog

CEO, OpenLink Software —High-Performance Data Centric Technology Providers.