Guide | Virus Prevention

How to Prevent Virus Spread

Before worrying about whether you can contract the coronavirus from a package in the mail, there are several measures that we all should do, on a daily bases, to minimize the risk of viral contamination. Here is what can be done to prevent the spread of the virus.

Julien Dimastromatteo, PhD
Open-Minded Elixir
Published in
7 min readJun 27, 2020


Beautiful fashion photography from Noemie Devime. Wearing a face mask is the new normal.
Mask “Le Nouveau Normal”, Collection Incunabula ©Noemie Devime Paris, Model Ruby Soho, Photo© Marilyn Mugot

As we entered into the recovery phase, the happiness and euphoria legitimately brought by the retrieval of freedom after being lockdown come with a downside — we forgot, again, about the basic rules of hygiene that kept us safe during the pandemic. The issue with this is that SARS-CoV-2 has not been eradicated yet. The number of new cases is still increasing day after day, all over the world (See stats here), and no vaccine has been fully developed so far. Scientists already warned the population about the second wave of contamination that will happen if we are not vigilant enough — And this, even if the first wave is still occurring. It means, we can’t lower the guards right now.

“Exiting lockdowns must be done carefully, in a step-wise manner, and must be driven by the data.” Ghebreyesus, head of WHO…



Julien Dimastromatteo, PhD
Open-Minded Elixir

Scientist | Entrepreneur | Writer | Interested in every little thing that makes life healthier.