Where did they go? A family of seven and their fight to be together again…

Jeff Saferite
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2017

Short story and urgent need: Islam and his wife are currently stuck in Greece awaiting the court’s decision to return their son (who is now 10) to their custody. This process, which includes securing Hassan’s papers, will take up to six months and they are without work, money and housing. $1,500 will give them a place to stay while going through the proper court procedures before leaving for Germany. You can read their back story below and support their efforts towards a better future by clicking here.

The Back Story

It seemed as though they had made it. At least this leg of their journey was nearing its end. Islam, his wife and five children were nearing the border with Greece directly in site. The road had been long and hard getting to this point but they knew rest was on its way. Unfortunately, the idea of rest was only a daydream faded as a new reality set upon them. As they were closing in on the border of Greece from Turkey they were spotted by border patrol and chaos ensued. People scattered, some choosing to run while others hid.

In the middle of the chaos, Islam’s family had gotten separated. Hassan and his sister Rocan, then 8 and 10 years of age, were the oldest of five and thus left to fend for themselves as their mother and father looked after the younger siblings. In the blink of an eye, a mother and father lost their two eldest children. And thus began a long journey back together.

Rocan, Hassan’s sister, was able to connect with family and for the most part was relatively safe. Hassan on the other hand was left to the care of smugglers who once again attempted to smuggle him into Greece. He eventually made it but the smugglers told him to use a false last name when filing his information. Through the process he was sent to a juvenile camp for unaccompanied minors. During this time was was beaten and abused, at one point having his arm broken.

In the meantime, Islam, his wife and three children made it to Germany where they received their papers, secured a job and housing and began looking for their children. They had received word that their daughter was living in Mytilini with relatives and their son was living in a camp in Alexandroupoli. So the father prepared his trip to reunite with his children more than 18 months after that chaotic night when they were separated.

Islam, his wife and three children boarded a plane and imagined the moment they would see and talk to their son once again. While on their way to Alexandroupoli to connect with Hassan they were stopped by Greek police and this reunion once again became a distant dream. They were detained (even though they had proper documentation!) and their papers, passports, and cell phones were stripped from them. Accused of presenting false documents, the police told them they could find their belongings at the German embassy. When they arrived to the embassy they discovered that only Islam’s papers and passport made it. The others were lost and they became undocumented refugees once again.

Good news is beginning to shine through this frustrating story though. Hassan has been transferred to a juvenile center in Athens. The German embassy is helping the family get their papers in order once again. Hassan gets to see his mother and father once a week and once Islam’s DNA test goes through, they’ll be reunited for good. The only thing left will be awaiting Hassan and Rocan’s papers.

This family continues to imagine a better future. They continue to see hope and beauty in a world that has handed them a harsh reality. Together, OpenRefuge with your help, we can make this next six months a breeze by securing their housing for them. We invite you to help us by becoming a monthly donor or giving a one time donation. You can do so by clicking here.

Thank you for supporting our refugee friends and making a tremendous impact as they build their future!

