Solutions around Fulfilling Children’s Education Needs

Prateek Verma
3 min readJun 28, 2024


As per the Indian Constitution, education is the fundamental right of every child, but unfortunately, the condition of the majority of schools is not very satisfactory, as these schools fail to provide even the bare minimum quality of education. While talking about schools, we need to keep in mind that out of 15 lakh schools in India, around 11 lakh are powered by the government. Therefore, without making these government schools functional, India won’t be able to take its education system to the next level.

To discuss these challenges and solutions to make our education system more robust and efficient, Mr. Saurabh Nanda, along with Ramesh Balsundaram, director of Bal Utsav, a not-for-profit organisation that aims to bring positive changes to children’s lives, and Harman Puri, strategy consultant at Anryton, will be on the YouTube channel of Open Source Mentorship.

How can technology be used for learning?

Before COVID, there was resistance from all the stakeholders when it came to the adoption of technology in education, be it teachers, students, or parents. But after COVID, the situation has changed in this domain, and technology has gained acceptance from most of the stakeholders. Instead of getting into the debate of whether online learning is better or offline, we need to focus on how we can adopt the merits of both.

For instance, with so much free content available online, it’s easier for students to access information. However, this abundance has created a challenge: it’s now difficult to decide where to begin and when to stop. Even after these challenges, technology has made learning easier and more accessible to everyone.

Blockchain, AI and Education

Blockchain technology can help in ensuring authentic data and enhancing accountability in the education sector. Technology can provide students with customised learning platforms so that every student can learn at their own pace and in the way they want to. It can also facilitate better assessment as they are fast, easily accessible, and can also provide a remedial solution.

Blockchain and AI can further make this process smoother, faster, and more transparent, and they can democratise the education system. Blockchain and AI have the power to change the way the system works; they have the ability to increase the participation of people in the decision-making of important issues like education.


It has been noticed that the acceptance of technology among students in urban areas is high when compared to rural areas, although parents and teachers in urban areas are a bit skeptical about the extent of technology. The concerns are genuine, but it is the need of the hour to integrate technology with education to make it more efficient and effective while ensuring that the concerns of all the stakeholders are taken into consideration. It is high time that we take some affirmative action to improve the education system.

Experts say that even if we start today, it will still take years to make any substantial changes in the education system. Therefore, we need to bring it into the public discourse in order to attract the attention of our policymakers to this issue.



Prateek Verma

I'm a second-year commerce student at Hansraj College, University of Delhi. I'm really very passionate about contemporary politics.