Happy 10th Birthday, Open States!

James Turk
Open States
Published in
1 min readFeb 26, 2019


It was 10 years ago today that the first post about what would become Open States was made on the Sunlight Labs blog.

Read the post here:

Of course it was a few months later, at PyCon 2009 in Chicago that we really got things started:

And only a little over two years since we took over the project as an independent group of volunteers:

But through all the changes, for 10 years we’ve been working on providing Open States and are proud that our redesign and new API have seen increased traffic that looks like it’ll be making 2019 our biggest year yet!

(No major updates to announce today as we’re mostly in maintenance mode and much of the core team (myself included) are undergoing some job transitions, but we still wanted to commemorate this huge milestone and thank all of you for your years of support!)



James Turk
Open States

Director of Technology @PBS & Founder @openstates. Formerly Director of Sunlight Labs. https://jamesturk.net/