Wrapping up my Open States contract

Miles Watkins
Open States
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2018

This is my last week of my three-month stint working full-time on Open States.

So far in 2018, I’ve made over 100 scraper code commits, dozens of manual data corrections, built up our community of contributors (including 70 prospective Google Summer of Code students), and developed most of the main views for our new website. Returning to working in my off-hours, I’m hoping that Olivia and I can have the new website up and public in the coming months. And James and I are excited to see all the GSoC proposals! (Reminder: they’re due by Tuesday.)

A huge thank-you to all users who made donations that made this time possible, and that help pay for our ongoing server costs. Open States relies on the support of large and small donors alike, and would not be able to operate without you. Contributions are tax-deductible and can be made here.

