OpenSwap Priority Queue Trading Contest — ROUND 1

OpenSwap DEX
OpenSwap Dex
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2021
  • Swap against our Priority Queue using BNB/BUSD & BNB/USDT pairs
  • 10 Winners in Total, $20K in OSWAP REWARDS
  • Special Bonus Lucky Draw for ALL PARTICIPANTS
  • Participate by submitting your entry here LINK

Dear Trolls,

In celebrations of the successful launch of our Priority Queue, we are launching a Trading Contest with over US$20,000 in OSWAP Rewards for OpenSwap users who swap against our queues!

Spot Priority Queue Trading Contest — Round 1 — $10,000 to Be Won

Round 1: Shares $ 10,000 worth of OSWAP

Start Date: 5 Nov 2021 at 16:00 UTC

End Date: 18 Nov 2021 at 15:59 UTC

Available pairs on Spot Priority Queue: BNB/BUSD & BNB/USDT

It’s easy to participate, simply register and fulfill all tasks on our gleam campaign page, then go to our swap page and make any BNB/BUSD or BNB/USDT swaps against our queue. Doing swaps using our Queue is easy and with ZERO Slippage!

*Below image is an example of a swap against our queue: USDT > BNB

Participate NOW! LINK

Users who make a BNB/BUSD or BNB/USDT trade on Spot Priority Queue and submit their wallets to us on gleam will be eligible to participate in the contest.

The score count will be determined by the total queue-related volumes of each wallet accumulated over the contest period, and the lucky winners will receive the below rewards!

1st Place: $5000 worth of OSWAP

2nd Place: $2000 worth of OSWAP

3rd Place: $1000 worth of OSWAP

4th-10th Place: $250 worth of OSWAP

BOOST Your Chance of Winning with the 2-Hop Swaps!

IN ADDITION — Users can BOOST their chance of winning by having their score multiplied by 1.5x through doing 2-Hop Swaps!

*Below image is an example of a 2-Hop Swap: CAKE > BNB > BUSD

Learn more about Hybrid Smart Router and 2-Hop Swaps here

Special Bonus Lucky Draw:

All participants of this Trading Contest will automatically be submitted to a special Bonus Lucky Draw — Troll Lotto (max 1 entry per wallet). At the end of this trading contest, we’ll select ONE special Lucky Winner to be rewarded $500 of $OSWAP.

Register and Submit your BSC Wallet NOW! LINK


  • OpenSwap reserves the right to change the rule or cancel the Trading Contest and Special Bonus Luck Draw at our sole discretion and without prior notification to participants.
  • Rewards for the ‘Spot Priority Queue Trading Contest’ and ‘Special Bonus Lucky Draw’ will be issued in OSWAP tokens and will be linearly vested for 6 months, prices will be distributed approximately 21 days after the contest ends.
  • OpenSwap will refer to the price of OSWAP/USD on OpenSwap DEX around the time of distribution as the exchange rate used for reward distribution.
  • We recommend all participants to use MetaMask wallet to avoid complications.
  • OSWAP tokens do not hold any financial value.
  • Wash trading may be disqualified if detected!



OpenSwap DEX
OpenSwap Dex

Integrated DeFi Hub designed for the decentralized landscape. Currently on Binance Smart Chain.