OpenTelemetry Collector achieves Tracing stability milestone

Alolita Sharma
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2021

The OpenTelemetry Collector has made its first GA release. The tracing components in version 0.36.0 are GA and come with stability guarantees for tracing in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) as well as end-to-end support for collecting, processing and exporting traces. Traces, and components that process traces, will have a stable API and configuration even as we continue work to stabilize metrics and logs. The Collector now also uses the latest semantic conventions to provide a common set of attributes, and semantics for those attributes, with a goal of ensuring consistent metadata is available for all telemetry.

This is a maturity milestone for OpenTelemetry representing the ability to use tracing confidently in production.

Collector release highlights include:

  • Full support for OTLP v0.9.0
  • Updated to the latest specification semantic conventions
  • Auth and config improvements
  • Improvements to the pdata API used in Collector components
  • Removal of dependencies on deprecated components

Special thanks to our awesome OpenTelemetry maintainers — Bogdan Drutu, Anthony Mirabella, Alex Boten and Tigran Najaryan. Also big thanks to Allen Feldman, Alexis Perez-Mendoza, Eric Hsueh, James Park, Hyunuk Lim, Min Xia, Tianduo Hao, Shibo Wang for quick turnaround on PRs, code reviews, discussions in the Collector SIG and responding on issues.

In other project updates, tracing support is also stable for the OpenTelemetry language libraries for Java, Go, .Net, Python and C++. You can now instrument your production applications with the OpenTelemetry API/SDK of your choice and start collecting trace data.

Now that we’ve reached tracing stability, our next big milestone will be to achieve metrics stability in November 2021. The OpenTelemetry metrics data protocol is now stable. Currently, the metrics API specification is at a “feature-freeze” stage, while the metrics SDK specification is still “experimental” but is expected to reach feature freeze status shortly. Development is underway for metrics API and SDK in Java, .Net and Python. Prometheus support in the Collector has been completed for phase 1 and phase 2 is in development. Collector metrics support is also in progress. Track the latest project status updates here.

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Alolita Sharma

Engineering Leader, Open Source, Observability, Search, i18n, NLP. Work at AWS. Board Director at Unicode Consortium. OpenTelemetry Governance Committee member.