OpenTelemetry Swift 1.0 Beta

Nacho Bonafonte
Published in
1 min readMay 13, 2021

Today, OpenTelemetry Swift distributed tracing API/SDK has released its 1.0 version. This version is marked as beta based on the OpenTelemetry specification.

This new release includes the following:

  • OpenTelemetry Swift APIs: Tracing API, Baggage API, Context API and Propagators API.
  • An SDK providing controls for sampling, processing, and export.
  • Exporters to Jaeger, Zipkin, Datadog, and the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP). With OTLP you can use OpenTelemetry Collector to export traces to a multitude of exporters.
  • Samples which show the basic usage of the different components

Current APIs can be considered stable, but not all pieces have gone through rigorous beta testing. Components reportedly in use by external projects include: Tracing, Propagators, Zipkin, OTLP, and Datadog exporters.

The OpenTelemetry vision is to create a worldwide standard for all three pillars of observability: distributed tracing, metrics, and logs. This release addresses the first of the three pillars — distributed tracing. We continue to work on metrics and logs.

Apart from the default OpenTelemetry components, this release provides the following Swift-only components:

Our roadmap for the next months includes:

  • Improving and adding more Swift instrumentation libraries
  • Building Metrics API/SDK.
  • Building Logs API/SDK.
  • Post-Release Tracing API/SDK Improvements.

Anyone interested in contributing to or learning more about OpenTelemetry Swift is welcome to join our growing community on GitHub, join the OpenTelemetry Swift channel on the CNCF Slack instance (If you’re new, you can create a CNCF Slack account here), or participate in our weekly community meeting!

